~{Chapter 12}~

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No one's POV:

Katsuki was sitting on the bed flipping threw the channels on the TV waiting for Izuku to get home, it's been at least 1 month since Izuku got he's job, Izuku has had been going to work at 6 and getting off by 9, then when Izuku got home they'd hang out then fall asleep in each other's arms.

It was great, to say the least.

Katsuki stopped flipping threw the channels when he heard the door open to reviel a tierd looking Izuku

Izuku put on a smile "I'm home!" Izuku said while putting he's stuff on the counter

Katsuki got up from the chair and walked over to Izuku "Long day?" He asked while leaning on the counter

Izuku sighed "Yeah... But I'll be fine, how was your day?" Izuku said while looking at katsuki was a sad smile

Katsuki scoffed "Fucking boring! There's nothing to do around here!" Katsuki said with a scowl

"Well maybe if you left the house instead of staying inside you wouldn't be so bored" Izuku said with a playful eye roll

Katsuki looked at Izuku like he was crazy "But then I'd have to deal with people, and I don't do people" katsuki said

Izuku shook he's head "Kachan, you don't have to talk to people you can just walk around" Izuku said

Katsuki scoffed "Have you seen how hot I am? People would be flirting with me the whole time" katsuki said

Izuku narrowed he's eyes "I hate how much that sentence is true and how much pride it has in it" Izuku said while looking at katsuki

Katsuki smerked "I know I'm right, so that's why I don't go outside. Any other suggestions?" Katsuki asked

Izuku sighed "Well you could get a job, maybe work at a cafe? You could be the cook" Izuku said while thinking about it

Katsuki though about it "A job... Huh... Maybe" katsuki said while thinking about all the jobs he could get.

Izuku smiled "I bet you'd be a great cook" Izuku said while walking over to the bathroom to clean up

Katsuki though about it "A cook..." Katsuki repeated, he loved cooking. It calmed him down when he was angry, it let katsuki be in control, he usually expressed he's fellings threw cooking, which is why he always cooked for Izuku. Katsuki couldn't think of any down sides to becoming a cook,

But he didn't want to work at just any place that payed good, no... He wanted to be he's own boss. He wanted to cook he's own recipes, he didn't want to work for anyone, he wanted to do it all hemself... So what was he gunna do? Start he's own business!

He also decided, that he wasn't going to tell Izuku this. No, what he was gunna do is do this behind he's back then when he got it all done he was gunna tell Izuku and have him work for him, because he was gunna pay him a lot of money.

Katsuki didn't know how long he was sitting there thinking about it, but he felt someone poke him, he looked up at the person who poked him, of course it was Izuku and he looked a little worried

"Uh are you alright kachan? Have you been sitting here thinking about a job while I was in the shower?" Izuku asked with consern

Katsuki sighed "I guess I did..." Katsuki grumbled

Izuku looked at katsuki "Is everything okay?" Izuku asked

Katsuki smiled "Yeah everything's good, now can we cuddle?" Katsuki asked, but before Izuku could respond katsuki picked him up and telaported to the bed and began to cuddle Izuku

Izuku simply giggled with a smile on he's face, he hugged back and started to snuggle into katsuki's chest but when Izuku fell asleep katsuki telaported away to look for places to start he's biasness.

Katsuki looked around the streets trying to find an abandoned building or a old restaurant to buy. 2 hours passed untill he found the one he wanted, it was cozy like izuku's house but bigger and it's a cafe.

Katsuki went inside to see what it looked like on the inside, it was run down and it looked like a dump, the wallpaper was coming off, the floor was covered in dirt and trash, the future that was in there was absolutely trashed, the 2 bathrooms we're trashed as well, and the kitchen... The kitchen had literal animals living in it. On the 2nd floor it looked like a living place, the bathroom was way more dirty then the ones down stairs, there we're 2 bedrooms, they both looked pretty much the same when it came to furniture, they both had beds and a night stand in them and they we're covered in dirt along with trash to mach the rest of the house, the kitchen like the one downstairs but there we're no living creatures, and the living room surprisingly wasn't that bad, but was still very dirty.

It would take a lot of work to fix it but when he fixed it up it would be perfect. Katsuki went back down stairs to look leave so he could find the person that owned this place so he could buy it off them.

Katsuki took out he's phone and looked up the houses address to see what would come up, katsuki was pleased with what came up, it showed a number to contact if someone wanted to buy it and katsuki wanted to buy it.

He dialled the number waiting for someone to pick up, on the 2nd ring someone answered

"Hello?" Someone said on the other line,

"Hello, I wanted to know if the building on ******** street is still up for sail?" Katsuki said to the person

"Ah yes it is, do you want it?" The man asked

Katsuki scoffed "I wouldn't be calling if I didn't want it. How much is it and how soon can I buy it from you?" Katsuki said a little irritated

"of course, we can meet up tomorrow to discuss the details if you want?" The person asked

Katsuki though about it "How about Monday?" He asked

"Yes that's fine, would around lunch time work for you? At ******?" He asked

Katsuki though for a moment "Yeah that's fine, see ya then" katsuki said before hanging up, katsuki telaported back to the house to see Izuku going threw movies

Katsuki walked up behind him giving him a hug, Izuku of course yelped

Izuku looked up to see a smug katsuki, "Really?" Izuku asked

Katsuki leaned down to give Izuku a quick kiss "Yes" katsuki said

Izuku sighed "Whatever" he said with a small smile, Izuku went back to looking threw the movies "Where'd you go?" Izuku asked

Katsuki sat down on the chair beside Izuku "Went to look for a job" katsuki answered simply

Izuku smiled "How'd it go? Find any jobs?" Izuku asked while putting the remote down sense he found a movie

Katsuki smiled back at Izuku "No job yet, but I'll find one and when I do I'll be the best one in the work place!" Katsuki said with pride

Izuku giggled "We'll just have to see" he said while clicking play on the movie

Katsuki smiled, he couldn't wait to get started on there new home, he couldn't wait until he got to see izuku's face when when he fixed it up, he new Izuku would be happy and he couldn't wait to see he's smile when he showed him.

Katsuki was gunna make it perfect for him and Izuku.

What do you think the cafe should look like? 👀?
Word count: 1,283

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