~{Chapter 7}~

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I would like to say before this chapter begins, that there are some sensitive topics in this chapter, if your not comfortable with r@pe like talk please don't continue. It's not much but it's enough, anyway continue!
No one's POV:

~Time Skip to 2 months later because wHy NoT?~

Izuku had just gotten back from work and he was... Conflicted to say the least, Izuku walked over to the kitchen to get some water as he was drinking he's water katsuki came down

"Oi nerd, you home?" Katsuki said while floating over to the kitchen

"Mhm..." Midoriya said not really paying much attention to katsuki

Katsuki noticed that Izuku was preoccupied and him being the nosy bitch he is he desided to ask about it "You good?" He asked while taking a seat beside Izuku

"Yeah... I'm fine..." Izuku said still in he's own little world

Katsuki sighed "I'm not gunna leave until you tell me what's wrong, so might as well spill" katsuki said while resting he's head on he's hand

"It's nothing really it's probably just me... Over reacting..." Izuku said while taking a drink of he's water, Katsuki looked at him as if saying exsplain Izuku sighed "Well... My boss has been acting weird lately... He's been... Flirting with me and he's starting to get... Touchy... Again I'm probably just overreacting" Izuku said trying to wave it off

Katsuki scoffed "Dose it make you uncomfortable?" Katsuki asked

Izuku looked up at him confused "Huh?" Izuku asked with a head tilt

"Dose he make you uncomfortable when he dose those things?!' katsuki clarified, Izuku hesitantly nodded katsuki scoffed "Then your not overreacting" katsuki said in a stern tone

Izuku sighed "Whether I'm overreacting or not it's not like I can do anything..." Izuku said while getting up

"What do you mean you can't do anything?!" Katsuki asked completely dumbfounded

"He's my boss... I can't do anything about it... Not unless I wanna keep my job anyway...." Izuku said while walking to he's bedroom

Katsuki wanted to argue but Izuku was right... If he wanted to keep he's job then he couldn't just up right and tell him to stop touching him if it was an employe then it might be different but even then he could've still been fired.

Katsuki walked up to the bedroom to see Izuku mumbling to hemself, katsuki could barely make out any of it but he was able to make a few sentences, mainly trying to think of ways to get the boss off he's back. Katsuki just walked over to Izuku and started to cuddle him.

Izuku apparently didn't realize he was there so Izuku yelped once he realized it was katsuki he sighed "Sorry I didn't realize you came up here..." Izuku said while snuggling into katsuki's side

"Yeah I figured becouse of all that mumbling you were doing" katsuki said with a smerk

Izuku turned a light shade of pink "S-Sorry..." Izuku said

Katsuki laughed a little "Whatever just go to sleep nerd" katsuki said. Izuku nodded and placed he's head in between 2 pellows almost immediately falling asleep, katsuki had a light smile on he's face as he watched the green bean sleep Soon enough he was asleep to.


Izuku woke up to katsuki poking him Izuku tried to get katsuki to stop but he didn't stop till Izuku got up, to witch he did after getting shoved off the bed.

Izuku huffed and went down to eat breakfast "ngh... What time is it?" Izuku said while stretching

"6:30" katsuki said with a shrug

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