~{Chapter 13}~

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No one's POV:

Katsuki was sitting on izuku's bed waiting for Izuku to get home from he's interview, you see earlier Izuku hod told him he had an interview with a boss from a big company and Izuku had applied to be the bosses privit assistant and if Izuku got the job he'd be payed 50$ an hour.

Katsuki knew he'd get the job, he wanted him to get the job and when he got it he'd be happy for him! But there's a part of he's mind that doesn't want him to get the job... He had fun with Izuku, he was always around, he got to cuddle with him everyday, they cooked together, it was just always fun! But katsuki knew even when Izuku got the job he'd still be able to hang out with him, just not as much. And he'd be damned if a stupid job got in the way of him and Izuku's time together.

Katsuki was snapped out of he's thoughts when he heard the door open, katsuki telaported down to where Izuku was to see him beaming with happiness

Izuku smiled at katsuki "I got the job!!" He yelled with pride

Katsuki walked over to Izuku and hugged him "I knew you would. Because I'm always RIGHT" katsuki said while giving Izuku a kiss on the forehead

Izuku giggled "Your not ALWAYS right kachan!" He said while hugging back

Katsuki looked at Izuku with a raised brow "Uh yes I am." Katsuki said

Izuku smerked "What about the time you said you weren't gay?" Izuku said while looking at katsuki with a raised brow

Katsuki scoffed "Okay... That was a 1 time thing! Besides, your an explanation" katsuki said kissing Izuku on the forehead again

Izuku sighed "Okay, what about the time when you said I was gunna die" Izuku said

"You we're laying in bed and you said you we're dying!" Katsuki said

"I said it felt like I was dead! And I was lying in bed because I was sick!" Izuku said

Katsuki scoffed "Whatever..." Katsuki said while holding Izuku closer

Izuku giggled "So what do you wanna do?" Izuku asked

Katsuki smerked "You~" katsuki said in izuku's ear, Izuku blushed madly then hid he's face in katsuki's chest, katsuki chuckled "What happed to "Fuck me daddy~"?" Katsuki said while grabbing izuku's ass

Izuku yelped "S-Shut u-up!" Izuku said with a heavy blush

Katsuki chuckled "Fine, how about a movie instead?" He asked

Izuku smiled "That sounds nice" Izuku said while leaning he's head on katsuki's chest once again

Katsuki then picked up Izuku bridal style, he sat down in the chair setting Izuku in he's lap. Izuku snuggled into katsuki's lap, katsuki picked a random movie then he rested he's head on izuku's shoulder.

As Izuku watched the movie, katsuki got an idea.

Katsuki made sure izuku's full attention was on the movie, then he Put he's hand over Izuku's crotch and started to palm it, Izuku gasped and turned he's head to look at katsuki, katsuki just smerked and continued to palm izuku's dick.

Izuku put he's hand over he's mouth to hide he's blush "K-kachan w-what are you-" before Izuku could finish katsuki put he's hand in izuku's pants and started to rub izuku's dick again

Izuku let out a little muffled moan "K-kachan~" Izuku said with a heavy blush

Katsuki smerked, he started to leave hickeys on izuku's neck, Izuku moaned out and started to rub he's butt on katsuki's crotch.

Katsuki groaned at the friction "Such a naughty boy~" katsuki said with a smerk, katsuki started to feel he's dick get hard as Izuku kept rubbing it with he's ass,

katsuki pulled izuku's pants off then he's boxers leaving he's bottem half completely exsposed, katsuki brought he's hand up to izuku's mouth, Izuku taking the hint he put 3 fingers in he's mouth coating them in saliva

Once katsuki though it was enough he took he's fingers away from Izuku and put 1 in izuku's ass, then another and the last one. When Izuku was prepped katsuki pulled out he's dick and lined it up with izuku's hole then put it in.

Izuku moaned out as katsuki began to thrust in and out at a slow pase, katsuki grabbed Izuku and turned him around to where Izuku was straddling him.

Katsuki then put it in once again and started to thrust, Izuku moaned out as held onto katsuki's shoulders for support.

Katsuki leaned forward and begane to leave love bites and hickeys all over he's neck and shoulders,

Izuku moaned out again "I-I'm c-close~" he said with a moan

Katsuki groaned "Me t-to~" he said while picking up the pase.

Izuku moaned loudly as he came all over katsuki's chest, katsuki moaned as izuku's walls tightened around he's dick, then katsuki cam in izuku's ass.

Katsuki waited a minute before pulling out, then he put he's head back, Izuku got up well more like limped as he walked over to the bathroom, katsuki soon got up and walked over to the bathroom

Izuku was in there taking a shower while humming a song, katsuki took off he's clothes then hoped into the shower with Izuku, Katsuki smerked as he looked at Izuku's ass

"Damn I might just have to go for another round baby~" katsuki said as he grabbed Izuku by the hips

Izuku sighed "No" he said as he continued to wash he's body

Katsuki rubbed he's dick on izuku's ass "Come on~" katsuki said with a smerk

Izuku shook he's head while trying to hold in a moan, "No kachan, we just did it" Izuku said while grabbing some shampoo

"Apple scented?" Katsuki said as he looked at Izuku's shampoo

Izuku smiled "Yeah, it was my mom's favorite scent" Izuku said while putting some in he's hair

Katsuki sighed "Here" Izuku was confused untill katsuki began to wash he's hair for him,

Izuku smiled again "Thanks" Izuku said while washing he's body

~Tine skip to after there shower, There now laying in bed~

Izuku sighed as he looked at he's computer screen, he was currently on katsuki's lap while watching a movie on he's laptop.

Katsuki rested he's head on izuku's shoulder while watching the movie, Izuku yawned as he layed back onto katsuki

Katsuki smiled "Tired?" Izuku just nodded in response while drifting off into sleep, katsuki's smile widened at the sight "Night nerd" katsuki said before turning he's attention back to the movie

Word count: 1,093

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