~{Chapter 14}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku was gathering he's things almost ready for work "I'll see ya after work kachan! Love you bye!" Izuku said as he gave katsuki a kiss on the cheek

Katsuki smerked "Bye nerd, love you" katsuki said as Izuku left

Katsuki looked to make sure Izuku was gone before he got up and got dressed, once he got out of the shower he got he's shoes on and left to meet the man, he would be a bit early but whatever.

Once he got there he sat down at one of the tables not bothering to order anything, not yet anyway. After 30 minutes a man walked in, he had purple hair and eyes, he's eyes we're a lighter color of purple, he had a black suit on along with black dress shoes and black eye bags to match.

The man sighed while looking around,  once he spotted katsuki he walked over to him, he sat down on the opposite side of him

"Hello, you must be the person trying to buy my building" he said

Katsuki looked up "Yep that's me, bakugo katsuki" katsuki said while holding out a hand for the other to shake

The other man shook he's hand "Shinso Hitoshi, nice to meet you. Now how much are you willing to pay for it?" The man now known as shinso said

"How much do you want for it?" Katsuki asked

Shinso sighed "How about 545,662.50?" (That's 5,000$) he asked

Katsuki really didn't care, Whatever he would ask for katsuki knew he could give him, so Katsuki pulled out he's wallet and gave him 654,814.00 (6,000$) "Keep the change" katsuki said

Shinso looked at the money completely taken back by it "Wait what?" He said while looking between katsuki and the money

Katsuki raised a brow "What? Did you think I'd want to negotiate or something?" Katsuki asked

Shinso scoffed "Yeah kinda! Are you rich?" Shinso asked while seeing how much money he gave him

"You could say that." Katsuki said

Shinso looked at katsuki "If your rich how come your buying a run down bakery and not a new one?" Shinso asked

Katsuki though for a moment "I'm buying it for me and my boyfriend, I plan on fixing it up with him, as a surprise of course" katsuki said

Shinso looked at katsuki a bit surprised "Your gay?" He asked

"Yes, got a problem with that?" Katsuki said while gave him a glair

Shinso shook he's head "No, not at all. I just didn't expect it" shinso corrected, Shinso knew how it sounded and didn't want to piss off the man Infront of him, because even though he's sure he could at least beat him, he didn't want to be on this guy's list of people to hurt.

"Good, now anything else?" Katsuki asked

Shinso nodded while pulling out some papers "Here just sign here and here, then the place is all yours. By the way I think it's very sweet what your doing for your boyfriend, but may I suggest something?" Shinso asked

Katsuki took out a pin and started to sighed "Go ahead" katsuki said

"If you want it to be special, then I think you should decorate the place with him, that way it's more special" Shinso said as katsuki gave him the papers back

Katsuki nodded "Your probably right" as much as katsuki wanted to prove a point and say "I'm right your wrong"  or "he's my boyfriend, how would you know?" Katsuki wasn't to good when it came to personal stuff and how to make things special, unless it was sex, he had no clue. So just this once, he would listen to someone's advice.

Shinso hummed "Have fun with your new bakery, and good luck with your boyfriend" shinso said while putting away the papers and shaking katsuki's hand before leaving

Katsuki sighed as he left, he walked home while thinking of things he could do to the house/bakery, how was katsuki even gunna bring this up without looking suspicious? How was he gunna tell Izuku that he owns a bakery and wants him to help with he's business? How was he even gunna aka him to move in with him?! I mean katsuki did just start staying at he's house without a word, but asking him? Yeah, Katsuki was fucked.

Katsuki walked into the house to see Izuku on he's computer while mumbling something katsuki didn't quite catch, katsuki walked up behind him and rapped he's arms around Izuku from behind

Izuku yelped but calmed down once he realized it was just katsuki "Welcome home kachan, did you find a job?" Izuku asked

Katsuki sighed "Nope, they all think I'm to cocky" katsuki said with an eye roll

Izuku giggled "I mean sometimes you are, maybe be a little more polite?" Izuku said while clicking on a tab

Katsuki hummed, he looked at the computer to see what Izuku was looking at, katsuki looked for a moment "Houses for sail?" Katsuki said

Izuku smiled "Yeah... I figured sense you've been living with me for almost a year now I'd find a bigger place, unless you don't wanna live with me of course" Izuku said while looking up at katsuki with a lil frown

Katsuki smiled "Of course I wanna live with you. You can't fit rid of my that easily!" Katsuki said while giving Izuku a kiss

Izuku smiled "Alright, well anything in particular you want the house to look like?" Izuku asked

Katsuki looked at the house "Just look at houses and after you've found a few I'll look at them to see if I like any of them, okay?" Katsuki said

Izuku sighed "Alrighty then, oh what are you making for dinner?" Izuku asked while clicking on another tab

Katsuki sighed "I don't know, maybe katsudon?" Katsuki said with a small smerk, katsuki new for a fact that katsudon was he's favorite, so he desided why not make it?

Izuku looked up at katsuki with a smile "Please?" Izuku said with puppy dog eyes, Izuku knew he couldn't resist when Izuku brought out the face, so he was gunna do it

Katsuki sighed again "How dare you... Fine I'll make it" katsuki said while giving Izuku a kiss on the cheek as he walked over to the fridge to make sure he had the ingredients.

Izuku giggled "yay!" Izuku said with a fist bump, then he got back to looking at houses

Katsuki chuckled at he's reaction, then he went back to making the food, he couldn't wait to see he's reaction when he showed him the bakery/House.

Katsuki smiled as he made the food, today was good day.

Short once again, but whatever!


Thanks for reading my shitty book! I'm glad your enjoying it as much as I like writting it (^-^)

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Thanks for reading my shitty book! I'm glad your enjoying it as much as I like writting it (^-^)

Also, choose a number between 1 and 12, for no reason in particular...

Anywhooooo byeeee!😁💖
Word count: 1,162

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