~{Chapter 21}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku smiled nervously as he stood in front of the border that divided heaven and hell, he was ever so ready to see he's mother again but would she be happy to see him again? Would she be okay with Izuku being a demon? Sure Izuku was a more innocent demon compared to the others but he was still a demon.

Izuku let out a shakey breath before crossing, he closed he's eyes just in case he was knocked away from the border, but he never was. He opened he's eyes to see that he was standing on clouds, Izuku smiled as he walked further into heaven.

A few angel's looked at Izuku weirdly before they saw he had white white horns and left it alone, Izuku walked for a few minutes before he saw her...

He's mother was standing on the other side just talking to another angel, she had that beautiful smile that could cure anyone's sadness

Izuku smiled "Mom?" Izuku said, Inko looked over to see Izuku, her eyes widened and she ran towereds Izuku quickly embracing him in a hug.

"Izuku! My baby! What are you doing here?!" Inko said with tears in her eyes

Izuku smiled "Well... I'm actually supposed to be in hell but I really wanted to see you, and I was shot" Izuku said with a nervous giggle

Inko smiled "I wish you could've lived longer... But I'm glad I get to see you again my baby" Inko said while hugging Izuku again

Izuku smiled while hugging back "me to mom... Me to..." Izuku said with a few tears forming but these we're not sad tears, no. These we're happy tears.

~With Katsuki~

Katsuki was on he's way to the dungeons, why you may ask? Well I'll tell ya! Katsuki was going to go deal with izuku's ex, todoroki, the guy that shot Izuku, and the 2 idiots that wanted Izuku to fuck them. He wasn't going to have time to deal with them and torture all of them everyday, so he was going to put some other demon's on the job to do what katsuki won't be able to.

Once katsuki got there the 5 demon's were there and ready to torture them because... There apart of the deku protection squad- oh did I say that? No💛

Anyway... Katsuki looked at the first demon "Okay non-binary/Gender fluid y/n I want you to deal with the ex, okay?" Katsuki asked non-binary y/n

Non-binary/gender fluid y/n nodded "Yep! I'll get right on it!" They said as they left to torture the ex

Katsuki nodded "Okay, male y/n I want you to deal with IcyThot okay?" Katsuki said while looking at male y/n

Male y/n nodded "I'll get right on it!" He said while walking to the cell that has IcyThot in it

"Trans y/n I want you to deal with demon number 1, okay?" Katsuki asked

Trans y/n nodded "Okay! Bye" trans y/n said as he/she went to the Demon's cell

"Female y/n, I want you to deal with demon number 2 okay?" Katsuki said

Female y/n just nodded and walked away to there cell already thinking of ways to make them hurt.

Katsuki looked at the last one "And you, asexual y/n. You get the guy that shot Izuku. Okay?" Katsuki said

Asexual y/n got the most mischievous smile "Already thinking of how to make him wish he was never born" y/n said while walking away.

Katsuki nodded, he walked away happy with he's choice.

When katsuki got back he saw he's mother and he's friend group all talking, katsuki coughed to get there attention and it worked.

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