~{Chapter 19}~

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No one's POV:

Katsuki started to shake, izuku's body just went limp... In he's arms...

Katsuki picked him up, he saw an ambulance out side taking care of other people but Izuku was more important then those extras.

He ran out to the ambulance with Izuku in he's arms "Please help!" Katsuki yelled as he ran to the ambulance

The lady that was there looked up, her eyes widened once she realized this person was bleeding out, she rushed over to see if he had a pulse..

There was no pulse...

She grabbed Izuku from katsuki's arms and put him in the ambulance, katsuki got in as well, the door closed and they started to speed to the hospital.

She tried to get him to breath again as well as stopping the bleeding, she looked as katsuki "Are you family?" She asked

Katsuki had tears in he's eyes "N-No but I'm he's boyfriend... He doesn't have any living family.." he said as he looked as he's dying boyfriend

She nodded, a few minutes later they made it to the hospital. Izuku was rushed to a room for surgery and katsuki was left to wait and with he's thoughts... But the only thing he could focas on was

if he died... Would he go to heaven?

Katsuki knew for a fact he would go to heaven, because he has never sind and the only way he wouldn't end up in heaven was if cussing was a sin. But no one went to hell for just simply saying fuck. That would be stupid

3 hours later a doctor came out "Bakugo katsuki?" The doctor called

Katsuki went straight to the doctor "Yeah that's me! How is he?" Katsuki asked the doctor

He sighed "I'm sorry to inform you.. but the bullet went threw he's heart. It also hit a major artery... To put it simply he doesn't have much time, he's in room 208, he's awake but be quiet..." The doctor said with a sour face

Katsuki nodded and went to the room, he was gunna lose he's lover... And he couldn't do anything about it... Katsuki made it to he's room moments later and quietly entered the room, he saw Izuku laying there with a oxygen mask over he's mouth and nose

Katsuki walked over to the side of the bed "Hey nerd..." Katsuki said with tears

Izuku looked at katsuki "Kachan..? Is that you?" Izuku asked

Katsuki weakly smiled "Yeah.. it's me nerd.. how you feeling?" Katsuki asked while going to hold izuku's hand

Izuku held onto he's hand "I feel... Tired I guess... Was anyone else hurt?" Izuku asked

Katsuki shook he's head "No... Izuku..?" Katsuki asked with more tears falling

Izuku looked at katsuki confused "Y-Yes kachan?" Izuku said

Katsuki kissed izuku's hand "I love you..." He said with a smile

Izuku smiled "I-" he flat lined...

Katsuki started to cry as doctors came into the room and nurses pushed him out of the room, katsuki desided he should probably call izuku's friends, and he did exactly that. He called izuku's friends and told them that Izuku just flat lined... They didn't take that well...

Especially Uraraka... She cried and cried then hung up saying thank you for telling me, the others reactions were pretty much the same.

The doctor came out of the room, katsuki looked at the doctor with hope...

"I'm sorry for your lose..."

Katsuki started to cry again, katsuki said goodbye and left to go home... Katsuki went home and plopped down on he's bed, he cried into the pellow. He's tears didn't stop until hours later.

The next day he woke up to the smell of breakfast, katsuki was confused to say the least.

He got up and went to the kitchen, who'd he see? Well none other then he's mother.

Mitsuki looked behind to see katsuki "Hey brat! I'm making breakfast for you and Izuku, go wake him up" she said

Katsuki growled "He's not here..." He said

Mitsuki turned around "Well where is... He... Sweetie your eyes are red! What's wrong?!" She said as she ran over to her son

Katsuki felt more tears "H-He... he died... Yesterday..." katsuki said while looking down

Mitsuki gasped, she new that Izuku would go to heaven and demon's weren't allowed to date angel's. It was the number 1 rule. Mitsuki hugged katsuki "I'm so sorry sweetie... I'm so sorry" she said as she felt tears of her own

She had become attached to the bean, he was nice, he always had a way of making someone smile, he was a literal angel.

Mitsuki held onto him "Let's go back to hell... Come on sweetie" Mitsuki said

Katsuki nodded and telaported with her back to there home, katsuki went straight to he's room. Mitsuki couldn't help but feel bad, she couldn't believe Izuku was dead... She wished she could've been able to say goodbye. If she was at least a fallen angel she could've been able to see him, but her whole family were pure blood demon's, Mitsuki went to her room to think.

Katsuki was sitting on he's bed thinking, why did Izuku have to die? Why couldn't it have been another stupid extra?! Why couldn't it be him?! Katsuki wouldn't die if he was shot, hell he wouldn't even have been shot! He could've delt with him single handedly. So why Izuku?

Katsuki layed he's head down on he's pellow, how could he let this happen? Izuku didn't desirve this. Izuku has been threw hell and back, he did everything he could to make other's happy and yet he's the one that ended up on he's death bed early.

Life really wasn't fair...

Katsuki sat back up, he needed to calm down and clear he's head. He went to the front door and walked out.

Katsuki was just walking when he heard someone tell, katsuki usually didn't care but he wasn't exactly his mom myself at the moment.

He went over to a clif that had a great view of the lave pit, the Demon's version of a pool.

Katsuki saw 2 demon's messing with another demon... A demon with green hair...

"Leave me alone!" He yelled

The other demon's simple laughed "Come on~ we're horny! How about you give us what we want yeah?~" one of them said

"No now leave me alone!" He said

Katsuki snarled "What are you 2 idiots doing?!" He yelled

They both looked at katsuki "O-Oh hey p-prince b-bakugo... W-We we're just-" the other demon tired around, and katsuki's eyes widened


Hehe clif hanger~ wow I'm such a dick. Whatever I know y'all love me anyway :)

Anywayyy cya problem children 👋
Word count: 1,125

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