~{Chapter 20}~

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No one's POV:

"Izuku?" Katsuki said with wide eyes

The demon turned around to see katsuki and gave a sheepish smile "O-Oh hey kachan..." Izuku said

The 2 other demon's looked at each other wide eyed "y-you know each other...?" One of them said

Katsuki growled "You two... Get away from my fucking boyfriend!" Katsuki said with a threatening scowl

The 2 demon's went pale "YES SIR!!!" they said before flying away as fast as they could

Katsuki then looked at Izuku, Izuku rubbed the back of he's neck "nice to see you kachan-" Izuku was cut off by katsuki giving him a tight hug

Katsuki made sure to keep him close "H-How I thought..." Katsuki could feel tears forming

Izuku giggled "Apparently being in a relationship with a demon is a sin.." Izuku said while hugging katsuki back

He laughed "Yeah that makes sense... Come on nerd, your coming with me" katsuki said while picking Izuku up

Izuku yelped "hey! I can walk!" Izuku yelled, katsuki just egnored him and started to walk to he's house

Izuku was brought to katsuki's house, as soon as he entered his house Mitsuki ran up to him, she WAS gunna hug him and ask him questions but then she saw Izuku, katsuki was no longer important to her.

She ran up to katsuki and grabbed Izuku from katsuki and set Izuku on the couch "Izuku! Are you okay? I heard what happened!" Mitsuki said while giving Izuku a hug

Izuku giggled "it's nice to see you again Mitsuki, yeah I'm okay though it did hurt to die" Izuku said with a smile

Mitsuki laughed a little "I would imagine, did any demon's give you trouble? I can arrange there room in the dungeon if so" Mitsuki said with a look that said "I'm ready to kill" and she was.

Izuku rubbed the back of he's neck "Well... There were these 2 demon's... They wanted... Well... You know never mind" Izuku said with a nurvious smile

Katsuki rolled he's eyes "2 demon's wanted Izuku to fuck them no mader how many times he said no" katsuki said while plopping down next to Izuku

Izuku gave a nurvious chuckle and Mitsuki had a death glair "What we're there names?" Mitsuki asked with a irritated smile

"There names are __ and ___" (Think of names for them becouse I can't XP) katsuki said "Can I help with torturing them? And the man that killed Izuku?" Katsuki said with a mischievous smile

Izuku looked between them while thinking "Oh no" because... Yeah oh no

Mitsuki gave a scary smile "I already have him in a cell with the other 2 and soon I'll have 2 more in there" she said, then she gave a normal smile "Now Izuku, would you like to help with the torturing of your tormentors?" Mitsuki asked

Izuku laughed "N-No that's okay..." Izuku said while resting he's hands on he's lap

Mitsuki hugged Izuku again "oh your so precious, please be my son in law" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki paused for a moment "Did... Did you just propose to him for me?" Katsuki asked with a look of disbelief

Mitsuki rolled her eyes "Well SOMEBODY had to do it! We all know your pussy ass wouldn't do it" Mitsuki said like it was the most ovious thing ever

Katsuki growled and started to argue with he's mother, Izuku just sat there laughing at there antics.

Mitsuki sighed after 5 minutes of arguing with katsuki "Izuku!" She said

Izuku calmed down he's laughter "Y-Yes Mitsuki?" Izuku asked with a giggle

"You agree with me that katsuki's pussy ass wouldn't purpose to you right?!" Mitsuki asked

Katsuki snarled "I am not a pussy! I would purpose!" Katsuki said right back "Your on my side right Izuku?!" Katsuki asked

Izuku looked between the two with amusement "I'm gunna have to agree with Mitsuki... Kachan you had trouble even asking me to go on a date with you, I doubt you'd be able to ask me to marry you" Izuku said with a giggle

Katsuki turned red, Mitsuki laughed "Really?! You have to tell me!" Mitsuki said while sitting back down next to Izuku

Izuku giggled "I guess it wouldn't hurt" he said with a slight smerk

Katsuki growled "Don't you dare" katsuki said with a growing blush

Izuku gave katsuki a innocent smile before turning to Mitsuki "So he came up to me with a HUGE blush, he handed me flowers well more like shoved them into my chest, he started to mumble something under he's breath and when I asked him what he said he just kept mumbling the sentence so after the 8th time of him mumbling he finally yelled "Will you go out with me", of course I said yes. Honestly it was the most adorable thing" Izuku said with an adorable smile

Katsuki had a huge blush on he's face "you did it..." Katsuki sat back down and pulled Izuku into he's lap "I hate you.." katsuki mumbled into izuku's shoulder

Izuku giggled while petting katsuki's head "I love you~" Izuku said with a cheeky smile

Katsuki mumbled a love you into izuku's shoulder, Mitsuki shook her head "you really are amazing Izuku, if you weren't dating my son I would've adopted you. No joke" Mitsuki said while petting Izuku

Izuku smiled then started to purr, izuku's face went red "I-I didn't know I could do that..." Izuku said while hiding he's face in he's hands

Katsuki looked at Izuku "I didn't know demon's could purr" katsuki said while starting to pet Izuku

Izuku started to purr again "Stoppp" Izuku said with a even heavier blush

Mitsuki smiled "The more angel like demon's can purr, it's rare but not unheard of" Mitsuki said with a shrug "Also Izuku I think sense your a more heavenly demon... I think you can see your mother" Mitsuki said to Izuku

Izuku looked at Mitsuki "r-really?" Izuku asked, Mitsuki nodded with a gentle smile, Izuku felt tears run down he's face "I finally get to see my mom again... Thank you" Izuku said with while wiping he's tears away

Mitsuki hugged Izuku as well as katsuki, Izuku was more then happy, he may have died yes, but he finally gets to see he's mother again and he gets to spend he's whole life with he's boyfriend and katsuki's mother.

After a little while, katsuki took Izuku to he's room so they could sleep, Izuku let he's horns and tail show, they were white with a light green at the tips (this was on both the horns and tail)

Izuku climbed into bed with a sigh, katsuki layed down beside him, put he's arms around Izuku then pulled him close, Izuku snuggled into the warmth that is called katsuki.

Katsuki sighed "Why is it that even though your dead you still manage to be so happy?" Katsuki asked

Izuku smiled "Well I couldn't tell you, I just feel happy" Izuku said, he really didn't have a reason he was just happy.

Katsuki nodded "I'm just happy your here nerd, I love you..." Katsuki said in in izuku's ear

Izuku smiled "I love you" Izuku said while falling asleep in katsuki's arms, Katsuki smiled as he started to drift off as well.

Katsuki had a very... Interesting dream...

Ahah 3 chapters in 1 day, wow I'm on a roll!

I didn't want to leave y'all hanging so I finished another chapter, I hope you like it! :D

Bye my problem children!!
Word count: 1,266

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