~{Chapter 2}~

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No one's POV:

It had been a week since Midoriya had seen "the demon" he had mostly forgotten about it being more focused on work and just pushing it off as a weird dream, thought katsuki had still been visiting him (Without him knowing) and has only liked him more and more, thought he has yet to realize that he's attached to the bean.

Midoriya was sitting on he's chair reading a book to pass the time.

"NERD!!!" Midoriya feel off the chair and started to look around only to see the demon behind where he was just sitting

Midoriya sighed "I don't remember falling asleep..." Midoriya said while getting off the floor

"The fuck you mean 'I dOn'T reMeMbEr fAlLiNg AsLeEp' nerd?!" Katsuki said while jumping into Midoriyas chair

Midoriya shook he's head then pinched himself, he looked around no longer seeing the demon "Huh... Whatever I guess" Midoriya said while walking back to he's chair, he sat down opening he's book again trying to find where he left off.

Midoriya felt breath on he's neck, he smacked where he assumed the face would be "OW!?" He yelled while becoming visible again

Midoriya laughed "Okay now that we've done this whole trying to scare me thing, can I go back to reading in peace? Thank you" Midoriya said while going back to reading

"Tch, I thought you'd be more scared like the first time" katsuki said with a huff

Midoriya just shrugged "I figured if you we're real you'd show up again and try to scare me so after a few days of being on edge, I was fine" Midoriya said with a shrug continuing to read

Katsuki huffed and sat on the floor Infront of Midoriya "Tell me your name" he said suddnly

Katsuki looked at Midoriya "What?" Katsuki said confused

"Please Tell me your name, if your gunna continue to show up I doubt you want my to call you the demon so, what's your name?" Midoriya said while looking up at the demon with a head tilt

Katsuki looked at the mortal Infront of him then scoffed "And what do I get in return?" Katsuki asked

Midoriya thought for a moment before talking again "Can holy water hurt you?" He suddnly said while closing he's book

Katsuki looked at him "Why would I tell you that?!" Katsuki yelled

"I'll take that as a yes..." Midoriya mumbled, he got up and went up to he's room with he's book in hand

"HEY WHAT'RE YOU DOING NERD?!?" he talked while floating beside him, Midoriya didn't answer and just went to a chest and opened it "NERD WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING?!?" Katsuki yelled

Midoriya then pulled out a flask, the original Bible, and a cross "So do these things... Hurt you?" Midoriya asked while walking closer

"I swear, if you- OW!" katsuki yelled as some water splashed on him

"Okay, holy water hurts" Midoriya then threw the bible at him katsuki grabbed it with no problem "Okay the bible dose nothing" then Midoriya threw the cross, katsuki grabbed it then immediately dropped it "And you can't hold the cross, alrighty!" Midoriya said while taking the bible, cross and keeping the holy water with him

"What the fuck was that nerd?!" Katsuki yelled while rubbing he's palm

"Just testing some things..." Midoriya said while sitting down in he's bed with the flask in hand "You know... Just in case" Midoriya said while rubbing the flask

Katsuki looked at Midoriya then sighed "Katsuki" he suddnly said

Midoriya looked up "What?" He asked

Katsuki walked a little closer to him "Katsuki that's my name, you asked for my name and I have it to you, now tell me your name nerd" katsuki said

Midoriya smiled "I'm Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you Mr. Kat... Katsu... Kachan?" Midoriya said "No that's not right... Can I just call you kachan?" Midoriya said with a head tilt

Katsuki turned a light shade of pink "Yeah yeah, now can you tell me your name? And make me some coffee while your at it! I'm fucking thirsty" katsuki said changing the subject

Midoriya smiled while getting up "Sure! I'll get the stuff, just straight black coffee?" Midoriya asked while putting the flask on he's night stand

Katsuki huffed "yes...." He said while floating down to the kitchen with Midoriya, Midoriya started to make katsuki's coffee then went to get stuff for he's own coffee "So mortal, where the fuck do you go during the day?" Katsuki suddnly asked

"I woke at a cat cafe" Midoriya said, then he proceeded what katsuki said "Wait how do you know I'm gone during the day...?" Midoriya asked while looking at him

Katsuki realized what he was implying and smerked "Us demon's have our ways" he said while floating above Midoriya.

Midoriya just sighed and continued to make the coffee, after a few minutes it was done and he handed katsuki he's coffee while he walked over to he's chair to continue reading

Katsuki drank all he's coffee in one gulp. (Jesus-) he then walked over to Midoriya and sat on the other chair beside Midoriyas chair, Midoriya wasn't really paying attention and kept reading while egnoring katsuki

About an hour later Midoriya closed he's book and grabbed the remote, katsuki was upside down on the ceiling "THE FUCK IS THAT?!" katsuki said/yelled at Midoriya

Midoriya looked up "It's uh... TV.... And this" Midoriya said while holding up the remote "Is the remote for it" he said while going to turn it on and going to netflix

Katsuki floated down and sat down on the chair "is this like your laptop?" Katsuki asked,

Midoriya looked at katsuki "You don't know what these are? Have you been living under a rock?" Midoriya asked Katsuki scoffed, Midoriya new he's answer and nodded "Well if you want I can show you how to use it" Midoriya offered

Katsuki looked at Midoriya "I do want. So teach me petty mortal" katsuki said with a smerk

Midoriya shrugged "I am petty" then he started to tell katsuki how to use the TV along with all the other electronics in his house. Katsuki was enjoying it though he'd never admit that.

But katsuki didn't have to tell him, Midoriya could already tell by the smile on katsuki's face and that was enough to make Midoriya cry of laughter... And also the fact that katsuki kept pronouncing the names of things wrong while trying to use siri... Siri roasted katsuki...

Midoriya doesn't have a siri anymore....

Poor baby... Livin under a rock... And I KNOW Y'ALL KIRI SIMPS BE ACTING UP SO ✨STOP✨ (Me who know's this becouse I am kiri simp: 👁️👁️💅)
Word count: 1,121

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