~{Chapter 16}~

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No one's POV:

Katsuki was happy, why is he happy you may ask? Well today he was going to show Izuku the building!

He desided once he got it mostly fixed up, as in he re did the flooring, painted the walls white (so if Izuku wanted to paint it another color he could), cleaned the bathrooms and all the other rooms, he also did the outside of the house, and he may have another small surprise waiting for him... not saying he dose... But he may.

He was going to go pick Izuku up from work so he could see the house/Bakery, now Izuku didn't know why katsuki wanted to pick him up but he wasn't going to complain.

As katsuki walked up to the building, he saw Izuku talking to a girl, she had long green hair and eyes, she had a black suit on with black heals to match. Her and Izuku we're talking like they'd known each other for years, that was probably the case though.

Katsuki walked up to Izuku "Ready to go nerd?" Katsuki asked

Izuku looked at katsuki "oh yeah! I'll see you later Boss!" Izuku said with a wave

The girl sighed "I told you, just call me tsu *kuro*" she said

Izuku giggled "Alright, well bye tsu!" He said while walking away with katsuki, she waved bye before going back into the building

Katsuki put an arm around izuku's waist "So who was that?" He asked

Izuku smiled "That's my boss and former college roommate, Tsu!" Izuku said with a smile

Katsuki pulled Izuku closer to him "Hm was she nice?" Katsuki asked

Izuku leaned into katsuki's touch "Yeah, she was one of my best friends besides Rara of course!" Izuku said

"Who?" Katsuki asked while taking a turn

Izuku playfully rolled he's eyes "Uraraka, of course! And where are we going.. this isn't the way home" Izuku asked

Katsuki smerked "You'll see" katsuki said while looking, he was close to the bakery/house so he put he's hands over Izuku's eyes

"Uh... Kachan? What are you doing..?" Izuku asked while trying to not trip over

Katsuki's smerk widened "You'll see" he said, he could see the building, now all he had to do was somewhat surprise Izuku, Izuku sighed but fallowed nonetheless.

Once they were there katsuki stopped right infront of the front door, katsuki removed he's hands "take a look nerd, it's where I'll be working" he said with pride

Izuku looked at the building infront of him, it was a 2 story building, it was a light blue with white accents, the roof looked to be white as well. Izuku gasped it looked great "Wow! This place looks amazing!" Izuku said while looking back at katsuki "I've never heard of this place though... What's the name?" Izuku asked while trying to find some type of sign

Katsuki smerked "Look inside" katsuki said completely ignoring izuku's questions

Izuku huffed but went inside to see what it looked like, once inside Izuku gasped the place looked so calming! He couldn't believe katsuki was working here!

Izuku huffed but went inside to see what it looked like, once inside Izuku gasped the place looked so calming! He couldn't believe katsuki was working here!

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