Cackle's Academy for Witches

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The gates of Cackle's Academy stood tall in front of me. They were quite threatening to the eye. Beyond the gates of the school, I could see the grey, stone walls of the turrets glooming above me and as I stood looking up at the menacing academy, a strong gust of cold wind brushed past my face, giving me a sense of uncertainty. Everything felt so very new and different, but I knew that I had to enter. So I walked through the metal gates and into a dull looking courtyard. There was no blue sky in sight there, above me there were just dark clouds, making me feel very unwelcome indeed.

As I began to look around me, I noticed many other witches surrounding me in the courtyard, all wearing the same dull, grey uniform that I was wearing. Although, the other witches were chatting to each other happily, laughing with their friends. I suddenly felt quite alone. "I'm joining fifth year of a school that I've never been to before and don't know anyone from," I thought doubtfully with a slight feeling of sadness. But I looked down at my broomstick which was hovering next to me, gripped the strap of my backpack that I was wearing, and found the courage to walk through the courtyard towards the school.

Cackle's looked very different to Pentangle's. That was my old school. Miss Pentangle's school for Young Witches and Wizards. Yup, you heard that right. Wizards. There were boys in my old school. But, after an inconvenient incident with some of those boys, my parents decided that for my final year, I should attend an all girls school so that I'm more focused on my final exams. To be honest, I don't hate the idea. Sixteen years living with smelly boys, it might be nice to get rid of them for a while. That way I won't be getting distracted by a love life as it will be purely non-existent. So that's why I'm here. At Cackle's Academy for Witches.

As I wandered through the noisy courtyard of people, I noticed a lady wearing a pink jumper standing just outside the huge, heavy, brown doors of the academy itself. I assumed that that was Miss Cackle, the headmistress of the academy, so with being unsure of what to do and where to go, I shyly walked up to her.

"Ah, you must be Anastasia. The new fifth year?" The woman spoke pleasantly, with joy and her genuine smile and wide open eyes instantly made me feel more welcome.

"Yes, Miss Cackle." I hesitated. "Well met," I said as I bowed my head in front of her.

"Well met Anastasia," she did the same, "and welcome to Cackle's Academy. I'm sure your final year here at Cackle's will be a great experience for you. I've heard from Miss Pentangle that you are a brilliant student, but the wizards were sometimes a bit of a distraction from your studies?"

Miss Pentangle was the headmistress of Pentangle's School. She seemed to be a lot younger and more modern than Miss Cackle,

"Yes... I mean," I paused, trying to control my nerves and put an actual sentence together. "I just think that it will be good for me to be able to focus on my exams." I managed to form a weak smile at her through my slight embarrassment of the reason for moving schools.

Miss Cackle was quite short and slightly chubby. Her hair was white and cut into a bob, and she had oval-shaped reading glasses resting on the tip of her nose. She looked fairly out of place standing in front of the big, daunting building, as her smile and kind eyes made me feel a lot less nervous about coming here. She was older than I expected, probably in her late sixties, I guessed. But I didn't mind. If anything, this was a great opportunity for me to learn more traditional magic rather than the modern style which we were taught at Pentangle's.

Miss Cackle softly waved her hand and using a transfer spell, made a girl appear next to her. The girl looked surprised for a second but then smiled sweetly at me. She was wearing a Cackle's uniform, the same as me, except the sash around her waist had gold stitching on it. She looked about sixteen, the same age as me, and her long, ginger hair was parted into two loose braids. She looked kind and her beaming smile was welcoming.

"Anastasia," Miss Cackle said, "This is Mildred Hubble. Head girl of Cackle's Academy. She is in your year so I thought it would be a good idea to ask her to help you for a little while. You know, to show you around the school, explain a bit about what things are like here and to help you settle in. I believe you two would make great friends."

I turned my focus to Mildred, standing in front of me. She smiled at me again. "Well met, Anastasia." She bowed her head to me. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you. I'm sure you'll like it here."

I smiled back at her and felt very relieved that I would have someone to help me settle in. "Well met, Mildred. Thank you for helping me."

Miss Cackle smiled at us both and did a transfer spell, transporting both me and Mildred into a long, dark corridor with many wooden doors attached to the wall on our right. It was immediately a lot more quiet that it was outside, but just as cold.

I turned to face Mildred who was still smiling warmly at me.

"You can put your things in here for now," she said as she opened one of the doors to reveal an empty cloakroom, "and then I'll show you around the academy."

I dumped my belongings and closed the door and Mildred beamed at me. "I'm sure you will settle in quickly. It seems daunting at first. Trust me, I know. I remember my first day here like it was yesterday. I ended up here by accident, actually. I felt so unwelcome. But I made lots of amazing friends before I knew it and I'm sure you will too."

Mildred's assurance eased my nerves and I suddenly felt more welcome and hopeful about this place.

She began to give me a tour around the chilling building and I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement about this mysterious looking school. Maybe I would love it here after all.

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