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Robins chirped gleefully as I wiggled my toes in the sun-kissed grass, a gentle breeze combing through my hair. As I took a deep inhale, I missed the air that once passed, so effortlessly, through my windpipe. 

Leaning back onto the soft, warm tree bark, I felt the cool shade wash over my face. The peaceful whooshing of tree leaves let me feel so at home in the open forest, and I watched with love as golden deer strolled in the distance. 

When a sweet sigh sounded beside me, I rolled through the glistening grass and kissed Hecate softly, my hand brushing past her rosy cheek. 

"Nice sleep?" I asked with a smile, settling into her embrace as she stroked through my long locks. 

"Very," she replied in a tender tone. 

As we stayed there, time no longer present, I reflected on our current situation. It was perfect. Hecate and I, in an everlasting state of timelessness, with not one thing to worry about. 

"I suppose we should go inside and make some lunch?" suggested Hecate. 

"I suppose we should," I affirmed before rolling over again to place another kiss onto her lips. 

"I love you, baby," I said in a teasing manner as I wrapped my finger through her black, weightless curls. 

"I know you do," she giggled, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. "Come on." 

Hecate arose to standing and then reached her hand out to help me up. Pleasant moisture touched the soles of my feet as I proceeded to skip back to our cottage. 

"Loving the new style, by the way," I stated, my hand falling into Hecate's when I looked up at her. 

"Thank you. I never did intend on changing my look, but it is far too hot here for long dresses and heels, and it's not as if that's going to change." 

With a satisfied smile plastered on my face, I examined my girlfriend's outfit. Her short-sleeved, thin, loose-fitting dress - black, of course - flowed freely in the breeze. Her bare legs and feet were lightly tanned and had a stunning glow to them, as did her slender arms. I chuckled to myself when my eyes fell upon the delightful daisies I had weaved through her locks whilst she was sleeping. I noticed Hecate side-eye me, the corner of her mouth rising slightly. She was fully aware of what I had done, and as 'unlike Hecate' I thought it was, something told me she liked the flowers. 

Each tree in the fresh woodland greeted us as we passed by it on our way to the cottage. 

The sweet scent of the roses welcomed us as we ambled up to the oak door, me hopping from one stepping stone to the next and laughing when I stumbled. 

"You're crazy," observed Hecate as she turned back to watch me, joining in with the laughter. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" I sighed. The trickling stream that resided behind the small house danced through my ears and I could almost taste the clear, cold water. Permanently blossomed vines crept up the stone brick walls, and the brown and green window frames made the bungalow fit magnificently well into its natural surroundings. 

"It is," confirmed Hecate whilst taking in the glorious surroundings for herself. 

In the marvellously lit up kitchen, wide windowpanes looking out onto landscapes of green meadows and shimmering lakes, Hecate and I chopped some apples we had picked and rustled up a glorious fruit salad, tremendously rich in colour and nutrients. Since meeting Hecate, I had discovered all about healthy eating and was now making an effort to nourish my soul. 

"Let's do some intention setting," Hecate decided as we made our coffees. 

"I'll go first," I declared. I stirred the coffee nine times clockwise, saying after each circle, "I now bring in abundance and prosperity." 

"Don't we already have that?" questioned Hecate after I was finished. 

"Yeah... but I'm not sure what else to bring in. Magic is pretty useless here when everything is already perfect as it is." 

"I'll drink to that," Hecate stated before taking a sip of her coffee. I could tell how much my girlfriend missed magic. It was all she had ever known. That was why, even now, she would try so hard to cast spells and perform rituals no matter how pointless they were. Magic was who she was, so I understood why she was resistant to let that go. Although magic had been a big part of my life too, it had never been my sole purpose, I had realised. I was more than happy to perform it for Hecate, though. 

"What should we do now?" asked my girlfriend once we had demolished the flavoursome salad. 

"Well... I can think of something," I hinted, tilting my head forwards and looking up at Hecate through my eyelashes. 

Hecate's face lit up as she instantly understood what I was getting at. "I don't see why not. Besides, we have an eternity together after all." 

Shooting up from my creaky chair and jumping into my lover's arms, I kissed her with passion. Stumbling into the bedroom, I knew that I was in exactly the right place. 

So, I guess that's the story of me. Anastasia Willow. And how I met Hecate Hardbroom, the love of my life. You'll be glad to know that despite all the breakups, the untruths, and the terrible tragedies our lives consisted of, Hecate and I did, indeed, get our happily ever after. 

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