A Cosy Date Night

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As the fire crackled in the homely library, Hecate and I curled up on a big armchair together. 

"I love spending time with you," I said, quietly, as I buried my nose into Hecate's shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around me and a grey blanket lay on top of us. She made a mumbling noise before placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head. I looked up at her and felt her soft breath brush onto my skin. Her black nightgown smelled of a fresh flower garden as I ran my fingers through her long locks. 

"How does your hair grow so long?" I asked. "I wish my hair was like yours." 

"I'm not sure," replied Hecate. "I suppose I just don't cut it often." 

I continued to stroke her gorgeous locks and I watched as her eyelids closed over. It was midnight and since it was the weekend and there were no lessons the next day, Hecate and I decided to spend some time with each other. The library seemed like an appropriate place for that as it was the room furthest away from all the bedrooms where everyone was sleeping. The lights were dim and Hecate and I had spent the last few hours talking to one another. There was nothing I liked more than her sweet company. The conversation gradually became less talkative as we got more tired and sleepy. 

"I still can't believe Beatrice won the debating round yesterday," I said, a smile crossing my lips as I thought about it. 

"And we were too busy hanging out on the bathroom floor that we didn't even see it," Hecate laughed. "But yes, I must say I am quite proud of Beatrice Bunch. I do not know how she won. But I'm glad she did." 

"Me too," I agreed. "Now, Beatrice has two points and Fenella only has one." 

"Indeed. That being said however, we are only three rounds in. The head girl contest is a long process. There are many more rounds to go before one witch is to be crowned the winner." 

"I suppose," I said, hoping that Beatrice would be able to stay ahead of Fenella. 

"So, I've been thinking," Hecate said after a few minutes' pause, "your final exams are quickly approaching. If you still want to do well in them, I suggest we restart some study sessions." 

"Yeah, good idea," I agreed. "Thank you. I would much rather just snuggle up with you than study, and I suppose you would too. But I know I will thank myself later if I study, so I appreciate you tutoring me." 

"You are very welcome sweetheart," she replied. 

"I love that," I said, my face beaming with happiness. 

"Love what?" Hecate questioned. 

"When you call me 'sweetheart'. You are very cute you know, Hecate." 

I looked back up at my girlfriend and noticed her cheeks turn pink, causing me to giggle. 

"You know you just proved my point by blushing. You are adorable." 

I smiled to myself as I rested my head back onto Hecate's shoulder. Her hand met my head and her fingers gently stroked through my hair. 

"Monday?" asked Hecate. 

"What?" I said, confused on what Hecate was talking about. 

"A study session. We should start on Monday. After school in my potions laboratory." The way Hecate rolled both of the 'r's in 'laboratory' made me laugh. 

"What is funny?" she questioned, not sure what I was giggling at. 

"Nothing. Yeah, Monday sounds good for a study session." 

"Okay," she said, pausing before continuing to talk. "I still don't understand how my suggestion of having a study session on Monday is at all amusing." 

"It isn't. But the way you say 'laboratory' is." I let out another giggle after admitting this. 


"You roll the 'r's. Actually, when I come to think about it, you roll your 'r's quite often." 

"Oh," Hecate said, acknowledging her awareness of her regular 'r' rolling, but not knowing how to respond. 

"No, I like it," I said, suddenly feeling bad and worried incase I hurt her feelings by accident. 

"You just said it was funny," she responded. 

"Yes, it is funny. But it's only funny to me. It is honestly adorable, that's why I find it so amusing. It's just very... you. And that's what I love about it. You have many quirks, Hecate Hardbroom. But they are wonderful. And they all contribute to making such a wonderfully unique and incredibly perfect woman." 

There was no response to that, but it didn't need one, as when I looked back up at Hecate, a huge smile radiated from her face and I could tell she appreciated the compliment. She placed another kiss on my head, her eyes shut as she did so. Love and wholeness drowned my soul as I snuggled in tighter with my love, her arms embracing me. 

"It's late, and we are both very tired," Hecate whispered. "I'll make sure we're awake before sunrise, but I've casted a protective spell over the library just in case anyone tries to enter or look in. So we'll be fine to just sleep here." 

I nodded, my smile growing by the fact that I could spend the rest of the night in my beautiful girlfriend's loving arms. 

"Goodnight darling," Hecate said, quieter than a mouse but still easily hearable as her words danced into my ears. 

"Goodnight," I whispered back, before we both drifted off to sleep. 

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