Witch Ball

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The sun radiated onto my face as I sat in spell science class the next day. After crying myself to sleep the previous night, I was surprised to be feeling a bit better. Of course I was still devastated about breaking up with Hecate. But I did notice that the nice weather raised my vibrations a little. 

"And what are the forces involved when passing the ball to another witch in a game of witch ball, Ana?" Mr Rowan-Webb questioned to see whether or not I was listening. 

"Oh," I said, trying to think of the answer, "umm, I'm not sure. Sorry sir." 

I lowered my gaze in slight embarrassment and some sniggering was heard from a few seats to my right. I rolled my eyes at Ethel and she stopped laughing. 

"I see you're not listening then, Ana," said Mr Rowan-Webb. 

"Mr Rowan-Webb," Mildred butted in. "Ana didn't get much sleep last night. I'm sure she was listening. Please don't be angry at her." 

"Very well then," he agreed before changing the subject. I breathed a sigh of relief before turning to Mildred and mouthing a 'thank you', her smiling back at me. 

Mildred and I strolled down the corridor together after spell science had finished. It was a quiet and peaceful morning, a nice change from the usual hustling and bustling in the corridors. 

"So did you do it?" Mildred asked as we walked. I nodded but didn't say anything because the soreness from the day before was very much still there. 

"And how did it go?" 

"It was awful," I whispered, sadness flooding my body as I reflected on the emotions I had felt when breaking up with Hecate. 

"I'm sorry," Mildred said. 

"No, no. I'm glad I did it. It had to be done and if I had waited any longer, things could have been a lot worse." 

Now, it was Mildred's turn to nod. 

"I'll be fine," I said, not totally convinced in what I was stating. "It might just take a bit of time. I still love her. So it definitely won't be easy." 

"Well, I know something that will make you feel a bit better," Mildred said. 

"And what's that?" 

"Witch ball." 

"Witch ball?" 

"Yes," said Mildred. "The sun is up. It would be a shame to waste it, don't you think? We can have a few games tonight with Maud and Enid, and the fourth years too. It will be fun!" 

I raised an eyebrow, not really into the idea. 

"Please," Mildred begged, a smile pasting across her face. "I promise it will make you feel better." 

"Okay, fine," I agreed as I couldn't resist my friend's smile. She was so kind to me and was trying to make me feel better. The least I could do was play a game of witch ball with her. 

"Tonight, after school," she said before skipping off down the corridor. 

So just as Mildred had arranged, I went outside onto the sports field after school finished and was greeted by my friends. It was still bright and warm outside which I found rather relaxing. I was trying my very best not to think about Hecate. It was a challenge, but I didn't want to be reminded of my heartbreak. 

"Hi Ana!" said Mildred cheerfully as I walked over to her. 

"Fifth years against fourth years?" Enid suggested. 

"But that's unfair," said Sybil. "There are four of you and only three of us. And you are older than us, too." 

"It's okay Sybil," I said. "I'll be on your team." 

"Yay," Beatrice beamed as I joined her, Sybil and Clarice. 

"Right, are you all ready?" asked Maud. 

"Yup," we chorused together. 

"As are we," said Enid before Mildred threw the ball up in the air to start the game. 

Mildred was right, it was fun to have a bit of a run around with my friends. It helped to distract me from my sadness. 

"Come on Ana," Beatrice called, excitedly, as I readied myself to shoot the ball into the goal. I closed my eyes and threw it, the ball successfully dropping into the net above. 

"Woooo!" said Sybil. 

"One nil to us!" Clarice said, proudly. 

"Nice one Ana!" Mildred called from the other side of the witch ball court. 

"Mildred! She is on the opposite team to us," Maud laughed. 

We continued the game until it finished with a draw between both teams. I smiled when the three fourth years gave me a group hug after the game. They then went back into the school and I joined Mildred, Maud and Enid. 

"You're really good at witch ball, Ana," said Enid as we wandered around the school grounds, pleasantly taking in the sun. 

"Thanks Enid," I replied. "I suppose we played it a lot at Pentangle's." 

I couldn't pretend I wasn't absolutely destroyed. But with the hurt I was feeling, I wouldn't have been able to cope if I didn't have my friends by my side. So I was so grateful for every single moment I got to spend with them. 

But even with my friends' support, I didn't know if things would ever be right again, without Hecate. 

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