Round Four

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I shivered in the breeze as I sat outside on a bench with Mildred, Maud and Enid. It was the fourth round of the head girl competition and it had been announced a few hours prior to the event that round four would be the nature round. In this round, Beatrice's and Fenella's creative skills were being tested as they had to find things in nature that showed some resemblance to the objects Miss Cackle mentioned. 

Beatrice had gone to search in Hollow Wood for something that looked like a train and as Fenella had already found her train resemblance, which was just a random bush she came across, Fenella was searching for something that resembled a cup of tea in the sports field. 

"This round is stupid," I said to Mildred as she fixed her long, ginger hair behind her ear to prevent it from blowing in her face. The whole school was gathered outside on benches as we waited for the two head girl competitors to collect the things they had been asked to find. 

"Yeah, it is stupid," Mildred agreed. "I hated when I had to do this round last year. It was pointless." 

"Are you sure you just didn't like it because Ethel beat you?" Enid questioned. 

"Maybe," said Mildred. "But it was a ridiculous challenge, either way. I mean, how does the ability to collect objects that look like trains or cups of tea show if you'll be a good head girl or not?" 

"I think it's supposed to test your creativity and imagination," Maud said. "But yeah, I don't believe it's necessary for the head girl contest, either." 

"Miss Hardbroom got a new dress," stated Enid as she glanced over to where the teachers were standing, Hecate next to Miss Cackle. I giggled at this as I had noticed her new dress too and was trying my very best to not spend the entire round staring at my girlfriend. Which was extremely difficult as she did look stunning, as always. 

"It is long, and dark, the same as all of her other dresses," Maud said. "Her style is kind of boring." 

"And gay," added Enid, causing me to burst into laughter at that slightly offensive comment. 

"I love her style," I said as my eyes gave in to the temptation and fixed themselves on the beautiful witch. 

"So, are you gay?" asked Enid. 

"No," I said before taking a moment to pause and consider my sexuality. I supposed I was bisexual. But I didn't really know because I was only attracted to Hecate. "I think I'm bisexual. I'm not really sure yet. But I love who I love and that's all that matters." 

I turned to Enid after answering her question and she smiled sweetly at me. Enid was the sort of friend who loved to joke around and have fun. She was the opposite to Maud in that regard. But despite Enid's tendency to break the rules, I liked her a lot. Along with making everything more happy and lively, Enid was kind and supportive, just like Mildred. I felt very humbled to have her as a friend. 

"Well, Miss Hardbroom is definitely a lesbian," continued Enid. 

"Tell me about it," I giggled, loving how oblivious my friends were to my love life. 

"Who do you ship her with?" asked Enid. 

"What?" I said, alarmed by that strange question. 

Mildred's eyes shot to mine and then down to the rough ground beneath us as she kept her mouth shut, knowing I wouldn't be too keen on answering that. 

"Let's not play 'ship the teachers' Enid," I replied. "I think it's somewhat unethical to ship real people, as fun as it might be." 

"I suppose," she said. 

"I ship Hackle," Maud burst out, ignoring my point about shipping real people being unethical. 


"Miss Hardbroom and Miss Cackle." 

"Ew! Maud! No!" I exclaimed, secretly a little amused by Maud's radical statement. 

"Let's not discuss this," said Mildred, sensing my discomfort in shipping my girlfriend with people and trying to stop my friends from doing so. 

"You can't talk, Mills," laughed Enid. "I ship Ethred." 

Mildred scrunched her nose. "Is that me and Ethel?" 

"Yup," Enid said. 

"Enid, stop!" I said, trying to protect my friend from being shipped with people. 

"Okay, okay! Sorry!" 

I let out a little laugh after a few silent seconds. There was no need to get worked up over this. Enid was just being Enid and there was nothing wrong with a little bit of fun. She didn't know I was in a relationship with Miss Hardbroom so I forgave her and laughed it off. 

"Oh, look, Beatrice is back," Mildred said, watching Beatrice as she exited the woods carrying a long branch. 

"Is that supposed to look like a train?" said Enid. 

"I think so," I answered. "Maybe it does. We can't see it very well from over here." 

"True," said Maud. 

Beatrice placed the branch down before heading back into the forest to collect more objects. 

After the fourth round ended, the sun began to set and everyone went back into the school. The things Beatrice and Fenella had collected were taken to Miss Cackle's office to be judged and the winner of the round would be announced the following day. 

I lay in bed that night but after tossing and turning for a good few hours, I just wasn't able to get to sleep. Every night as I lay all alone in my room, I missed Hecate and thought of nothing but her. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get to sleep. So, I decided to take a risk and leave my bedroom. 

I tiptoed down the dark corridors as my arms tingled in the cold. I made my way to Hecate's room, which was quite far away from mine, so it took a while to get there and not wake anybody up. But I succeeded and when I approached Hecate's bedroom door, I took a deep breath and gently knocked. 

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