Friends and Family

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"I think Mr Daisy has us for spell science today," said Mildred as we wandered to the spell science classroom. 

"How do you know?" asked Enid. 

"Well, Mr Rowan-Webb has gone on holiday with Miss Bat. So I assume we will be having Mr Daisy for spell science and Miss Drill for chanting whilst they're away." 

"I've never spoken to Mr Daisy," I said. 

"He's really nice," said Mildred. "I'm sure you'll like him." 

We walked through the door to spell science and sat down in our seats. Mildred was right. We did have Mr Daisy. He was standing at the front of the classroom wearing yet another one of the checkered suits he always seemed to wear. He looked like a very pleasant and welcoming person as he stood, watching us take our seats, with a big smile on his face. His presence made me feel quite warm and positive. It was the first time I had felt like that since the walk in the woods with HB, almost a week earlier. 

I still wasn't talking to HB. I had spent the week trying to study by myself and wishing that HB was there with me. But the situation was still too awkward for me to have gone and asked her for help. We hadn't made eye contact in almost a week and the tension was really getting to me. But it was nice to have my friends by my side, even though they didn't know what was going on. That was something I never had at Pentangle's. So I always felt very lucky to have lots of great friends at Cackle's. 

"Good morning everybody," said Mr Daisy, enthusiastically. It was the first lesson of the day so many of us were tired. Me, included. But Mr Daisy's radiating positivity definitely woke us up a bit. 

"As you know, Mr Rowan-Webb is away on holiday for a few weeks so I am going to be your new spell science teacher for the time being. I can assure you we will have lots of fun and learn so much!" 

He was right. For the rest of the lesson he asked us to make sculptures demonstrating how our cats sat on our broomsticks without falling off. I worked with Mildred, Maud and Enid and it was so fascinating to understand the science behind it. I loved working with my friends to create a cool sculpture. It was nice to have a break from writing essays. 

After spell science, we all got changed into our P.E. kits as we had sport with Miss Drill for second period. It was refreshing to get to run around in the fresh air. Mr Daisy's fun spell science lesson had put me in a good mood and I really enjoyed playing a game of witch ball in our sports lesson. I tried to avoid thinking about Miss Hardbroom as that would have lowered my mood. I wanted to have a break from stressing that day. But although it felt nice to have some fun, I couldn't help but wish HB was having fun with me. 

After a few games of witch ball, Miss Drill asked us to run a lap around the outside of the school for a cool down. How that was a cool down, I had no idea. But we just accepted it and began to run. 

"You seem to be in a better mood today, Ana," said Maud as we ran side by side. 

"Yeah, I am. Spell science this morning was really fun and it's nice to get some fresh air in the mornings." 

"I don't really like sport," Maud said. 

"I do!" said Enid as she ran up behind us. 

"Haven't you already passed us, Enid?" I asked. 

"Yup. I'm on my third lap!" 

"Miss Drill said we should only do one," said Maud. 

"How on earth are you so fast, Enid?" I called as she sprinted off in front of us. 

"Who knows," said Maud with a giggle. 

When it was time for lunch, my friends and I went to have a shower and get changed back into our uniforms. After we were changed, we agreed to meet in the Great Hall for lunch after going to put our P.E kits in our rooms. 

As I walked down the empty corridor to the lunch hall after a visit to my room, HB managed to creep her way back into my mind. I still really missed talking to her. 

Just as I thought about this, Miss Hardbroom appeared around the corner. I jumped in surprise. HB, on the other hand, didn't react. She just walked straight past as if I wasn't there. I stood still for a minute as she disappeared into one of the rooms down the corridor. I was hit with a rush of sadness. I missed her more each day I was away from her. 

But despite that sudden sadness, I lifted my chin up and continued my way down the corridor to the Great Hall, where I sat and ate my lunch with Mildred, Maud and Enid. 

As I sat in the library that evening with my friends, I watched through the window as the sun went down, darkening the sky. It was calm and peaceful in the library. I had always liked it there. After the potions lab for its intricate details and certain teacher, the library was my favourite room in the school. It contained a very cosy atmosphere as the fire crackled, pleasantly, giving warmth to the room. Warmth was something very rare at Cackle's Academy. The dimply lit chandelier gave a homely look to the soft, red carpet on the floor. I felt very snug as I wrapped myself in a blanket. 

The only people in the library with me were Mildred, Maud, Enid, Beatrice and Sybil. Maud was doing some quiet studying, while everyone else was chatting blissfully to one another. It sort of felt like a family. I had gotten really close to my friends and I loved spending time with them. I always felt so comforted when around my friends and we all really cared for one another. I mean, we did all live together after all, so I would've happily classed them as my family. 

Although, there was someone missing from my family. Someone I wanted to be with more than anyone else. 

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