And The Winner Is...

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Perched on the edge of my seat in the packed assembly hall, I struggled to keep my legs from trembling. Excited whispers swished back and forth past my ears as I focused on my own breath, eager to control the adrenaline flooding through me. 

"Chill out, Ana," I heard Mildred say from the seat next to me, instantly grounding me back into the present. "It won't matter to you, as you won't be here next year." 

"Yeah, I guess." 

After the final round that took place yesterday afternoon, we were moments away from being told who next year's head girl would be. Beatrice stood on the left of Miss Cackle, eyebrows furrowed and knees nobbling together, almost uncontrollably. Fenella, standing on Miss Cackle's right, presented a tremendous contrast in body language as she beamed into the audience. 

Another few moments of anxious anticipation went by, and in those few moments, I couldn't help but notice the oddly fixed position of the smug candidate's gaze. Following the direction of this, I found my own eyes settle on non-other than Ethel Hallow, her expression creepily mirroring that of Fenella's. It was as though the two witches were exchanging some deep, hidden knowledge, that lead to them feeling so confident in a time of supposed uncertainty. 

Upon further analysis, however, I realised that whatever secret the two of them possessed, it was hardly worth my valuable attention. So, I brushed it off. 

"Good morning, witches!" announced Miss Cackle in her usual, cheerful manner. At this moment, I noticed my dear Hecate sitting on a chair at the other end of the stage, and I smiled to myself. 

"Good morning," the tedious chorus of girls echoed back. 

"I'm sure you are all aware of the recent conclusion to this year's annual head girl contest. Beatrice, Fenella, you both have been wonderful candidates. But, unfortunately, there can only be one winner. So, without any further ado, I shall now announce the results." 

A deafening pause filled the hall. 

"The winner of this year's head girl competition, and the witch that is to be next year's head girl is..." 

"Enid, no! That's the assembly hall!" cried Maud's recognisable voice. I looked up to where it had come from, and Enid flew, on her broom, through a window right into the hall. Maud was following her closely behind, Felicity behind Maud. Enid looked completely in awe of the situation, loving the attention she knew she was about to gain. Maud, however, I couldn't help but feel for as I caught a glimpse of terror in her eyes. 

As gasps washed over the huge room, Enid, her face still lit up with excitement, didn't hesitate before flying directly towards the stage, crashing straight into Miss Hardbroom and knocking her onto the floor. 

Felicity and Maud landed safely and softly, and took the opportunity of the attention being focused on Enid to run out of the hall. 

My jaw clenched as a strange sense of quiet settled all around. I watched Hecate's face redden, whether due to anger or embarrassment I was unsure, but one thing I did feel was an immense appreciation for my past self declining the invitation to join in on this risky activity. 

Enid was, by no means, a bad flyer, so it was rather obvious that crashing into the love of my life was no accident. Rage at my friend bubbled up inside of me, but what overruled that was my worry for Hecate. She could have been injured, and my desire to remove her pain was overwhelming. 

Little giggles emerged around me, enraging me further. But saving me from doing anything impulsive, Hecate arose from the ground and assured the amused audience and concerned Miss Cackle that she was unhurt, and that the assembly should proceed. 

And, so it did. Enid scooped up her wrecked broomstick and escaped the hall, Hecate settled back into her seat, and the assembly continued. 

"As I was saying," said Miss Cackle, "the winner of this year's head girl contest is... 


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