The Effects of Rain

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The rain pattered heavily against the window as I sat with my friends in the library. It was our lunch break and we were doing some studying to pass the time. I peered over to the window and sighed at the sight of the grey clouds surrounding the tall, stone turrets of the school. 

"The history of toads," Mildred muttered to herself as she scanned the bookshelves for a textbook. The gloomy weather had made us all feel a bit drained and we weren't chatting to each other like we usually did. It felt strangely calming though. To just be surrounded by my friends, but to study quietly. It was warm in the library, giving it quite a cosy feel, despite the rain on the window. 

"Felicity," said Maud, "do you know any good textbooks on herbs and their healing properties?" 

"Yeah, I have loads. I'll help you," replied Felicity. They walked over to the other side of the library and browsed the bookshelves. 

Felicity was a green witch. She based her witchcraft practice off of nature and herbs. I always found that fascinating about Felicity as I didn't know any other green witches. It was really interesting to learn more about that side of witchcraft. 

Enid yawned as she flicked the page of her spell book. I was tired too. But I was in a content and peaceful state. 

A week had gone by since Miss Hardbroom and I had resolved things between us and during that week, we'd had quite a few study sessions and had chatted to one another. That week had been a perfect week for me. Even there, sitting in the library, studying, as rain poured down outside, I was at a state of pure happiness. I often found my thoughts drift to Miss Hardbroom and whenever they did, I instantly became happier. 

Mildred sat back down at the table with Enid and I after finding an appropriate textbook on the history of toads. 

I did wonder why she was studying that, but then again, it was Mildred Hubble. She was a lovely person, but definitely had a wild and rather random personality. No one else questioned her bizarre choice of textbook so I just left it. 

"I've had enough studying," said Enid as Maud and Felicity wandered back over to the table. 

"Me too," I said. "We can probably go in for lunch now, anyway." 

We all gathered away our things and began to walk through the cold academy to the Great Hall. 

It was pasta salad for lunch and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't stew. We'd had a lot of stew for lunch that week so it was nice to get something a bit different for a change. After we'd finished eating our pasta, my friends and I slowly made our way over to the potions lab as we had potions class next lesson. 

As always, I was filled with excitement as I entered the potions classroom. Any time I was around Miss Hardbroom, I was happy. The sound of the rain was loud in the potions lab because of the big, glass window at the back of the room. The classroom was darker than usual as a result of the dreary sky outside. 

My friends and I sat at our seats and waited for the teacher to arrive. 

When she did, I couldn't help but smile, despite her stern tone when she spoke. 

"Quiet!" she said, silencing all the students in the classroom, after appearing by a transference spell. I watched as she sat down at her desk at the front of the lab with poise. 

"Girls," she said, lowering her volume. "Today, you shall be working on your protection spells." She looked angry as she shot a piercing glance at each individual student whilst scanning the classroom. Even me. But I never felt intimidated by her. Even when she glared somewhat viciously into my eyes, I felt comforted instead of afraid. And besides, I knew she didn't mean it when she looked at me like that. But she had to treat me like she treated everyone else otherwise it would have seemed suspicious to people. But even when she was truly angry or harsh, she never seemed scary to me like she did to the other students. I knew that inside, she was as soft as a kitten. 

We collected our ingredients and began to brew our potions for our protection spells. Miss Hardbroom strolled through the classroom and slowly weaved in and out of our desks, observing what we were doing. As she walked past me, I caught a glimpse of a smile from her and I made a little smile back as I felt my cheeks warm up. She always made me so happy when she gave me secretive smiles like that. 

She continued to walk past our desk, watching my friends' potions with her eyes narrowed. She had such an upright posture, so that, along with her high heels and the fact that she was naturally quite tall always gave her an authoritative image. She always took long, slow strides when she walked, making her more sexy to me, frighting to everyone else. 

She walked back over to the front of the lab after taking a tour around the room and she sat back down at her desk. 

"Looks like the dull weather is affecting everyone," Enid whispered to me, referring to Miss Hardbroom's slightly eery presence in that potions class. 

"Class is dismissed," Miss Hardbroom announced at the end of the lesson. We picked up our bags and got up from our seats. The other students left the classroom and my friends and I were the last people to leave. As Mildred, Maud and Enid walked out into the corridor, I heard a voice from behind me. 

"Ana," said Miss Hardbroom in a much softer voice than the one she had just been using. I turned around and walked towards her, closing the classroom door behind me. 

"I'm sorry if I was a bit strict in that lesson," she said. 

"No," I said, "I liked it. I find it very mysterious when you glare at me in the eyes like that." 

Miss Hardbroom giggled and I felt the back of my neck tingle as I watched her eyes sparkle. It was always fascinating to see how fast she transformed from the stern, confident teacher known as Miss Hardbroom to the sensitive, vulnerable, utterly adorable HB. 

"I was wondering," she said. "Ana." She spoke quietly and rather hesitantly. "I am having dinner in the library tonight. Would you..." she blushed as she looked down to the floor and then back up at me. "Would you like to accompany me? Ana?" she stuttered and I could tell she felt a bit embarrassed. "Study session." She added quickly. 

"I would love to," I said before she could continue making a hopeless mess of the question. She was just so cute and sweet. I had never met anyone quite as adorable as she was. 

I beamed at her with glee. I was so touched that she had asked me that. It meant so much to me and I couldn't contain my beaming smile. 

"Tonight? Seven o'clock?" she said. 

"Perfect," I replied as I gave her one last smile before turning around and skipping out of the classroom. I was so excited! I was going to have dinner with Miss Hardbroom!

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