Coming To An End

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"As you know, tomorrow is the first day of your final exams, year 5," said Hecate at the end of potions class. "Over these past five years, you have all grown immensely. I must say, I am very proud of every one of you and I'm sure you will all go on to some brilliant witching careers when you leave Cackle's. So, try your very best tomorrow, and good luck." Hecate's lips formed a genuine smile at us all and my heart warmed seeing her be so supportive to everyone. 

As students began to file out of the classroom to the ringing of the school bell, many of them thanked Hecate for teaching them and whilst she looked somewhat embarrassed by the unusual amount of love and attention she was given, I could tell she appreciated it more than she let show. 

After everyone had left the room, Hecate flicked her wrist and the door slammed shut. She walked over to me, obviously trying to hide the smile on her face by forcing her lips to stay inline, and with much poise and control, sat down on the seat next to me. 

"That was so cute, baby," I whispered, a giggle escaping my mouth as I picked up her hand and gently held it in mine, my eyes reuniting with hers. 

"What was?" she snapped, her eyes narrowing slightly. 

"You said you were proud of us all. That might have been difficult for you to say, but as you saw by everyone thanking you afterwards, a little word of encouragement from time to time is much appreciated." 

Hecate gave in to trying to hold in her glee and her lips upturned as she sighed sweetly. 

I took my revision books out from my bag and did some last minute studying for a little while with Hecate. I was very confident with it and seemed to know basically everything in there. I knew my girlfriend was impressed. 

It was crazy to think that school was almost over. After our final exams, school would be finished, forever. All those years of childhood, of learning, of growing up were suddenly coming to an end and thinking about that gave me a really funny feeling. One that I couldn't quite put my finger on, nor comprehend, so I tried to just push it out of my mind. But I was going to have to face the transition into adulthood at some point or other, despite me not feeling quite ready for that yet. 

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" she asked, her voice soft and warm as if releasing fluffy pillows into the surrounding air. 

"Really good, actually. Thanks to you, I think I will do just fine." 

"Well, I am more than happy to have helped you, but it was you who did all the work. What I told the class today was true, but it was directed towards you, darling. I'm so proud of you." 

"Thank you sweetheart," I replied, butterflies heating my tummy and fluttering up, around the rest of my body as I sank deeper into the beauty of her soul through her twinkling eyes. "I'm proud of you too, Hecate." 

I leaned forward and hugged my precious Hecabae as her heartwarming presence drew me closer to her like a magnet. Her right arm wrapped around me whilst her left one lightly stroked through my hair as I settled my face onto her chest. 

"When's the next round of the head girl contest?" I asked, my words quiet and muffled as Hecate continued to hold me, neither of us wanting to ever let go. 

"Next week," she replied. "And it's the semi-final of the whole competition. Only two rounds left." 

"I know," I said, crossing my fingers. 

"Why are your fingers crossed?" Hecate asked as she looked down at my hand which was now tucked in next to me. 

"I just hope that Beatrice can win the last two rounds." 

"Me too," said Hecate, softly. 

"Can we just stay here forever?" I laughed, still cuddling into my girlfriend and secretly wishing we really could just stay there forever. 

"Well, you have some exams to sit tomorrow," she giggled. "But, we can stay here for now." 

"I love you so much, beautiful," I said, the words barely leaving my mouth and escaping through my breath as I became so immersed in the pure peace of the moment. 

"I love you so much, as well," replied Hecate, the sound of her voice as quiet as a single hay bale rolling through a desert but as certain and as strong as the roaring winds pushing it. 

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