Head Girl Competition

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The day after I had that lesson on transfer spells with HB, I was not surprised to see that the mist outside had still not cleared. But despite my gloom about what seemed to be everlasting fog, I decided to keep my head held high and have a good day at school. 

Since I didn't get the chance to meet Mildred's friends in year four the previous day, Mildred suggested we went to the library at lunch time and I could meet them. So, after art class had finished, Mildred, Maud, Enid and I went to the library. When we entered, Mildred wandered over to three girls sitting at a table studying, so I followed her. All three girls looked up at Mildred and I when we walked over to the table. 

"Hi Mildred," one of the girls said. "Who's your friend?" she said, shifting her glance to me. The girl looked a bit younger than Mildred and I and she had short, brown hair and wore glasses. 

"Clarice, this is Ana. Ana, meet Clarice, Beatrice and Sybil," Mildred said, smiling. 

"Well met," all three girls chorused together. 

"Well met," I replied, happily. 

"Mind if we join you?" said Mildred. 

"Go for it," Clarice said, so Mildred, Maud, Enid and I sat down at the table with them. 

Beatrice was sitting on the right of Clarice and looked very cheerful. She had dark brown eyes, dark skin and afro-textured hair. 

The other girl looked nervous. Maybe she wasn't used to meeting new people. This girl had blonde hair and looked like a mini Ethel. I assumed that was her sister, Sybil. 

"Clarice, Beatrice," said Mildred, "have you gotten any further with your preparation for the head girl competition?" 

"A little bit," Beatrice said, "but it's my flying that needs improvement. And I can't exactly practice that at the moment." She gazed at the mists out of the window and frowned. 

"What about you, Clarice?" asked Mildred. 

"I'm doing well with it. I'm studying the physics of energy transfers in magic." 

"Wow," I said, "that's pretty complex!" 

"Clarice is really smart," Mildred said. "She's head of year four." 

"That's so cool," I said, smiling at Clarice. She smiled back. 

"I just want to beat Fenella," said Beatrice. "If I lose, I want Clarice to be head girl. Not Fenella." 

"Who's Fenella?" I asked. 

"A girl in our year," said Beatrice. "She is the other girl going for head girl. It's between me, Clarice and Fenella. I wouldn't mind if Clarice beat me, but I don't want to lose to Fenella. She's so bossy and thinks she's better than everyone else." 

"Sounds like Ethel," I said before remembering that Ethel's sister was sitting with us. "Sorry Sybil," I said hesitantly. 

"It's okay," she replied. "It's true. Ethel is very bossy." She giggled. 

"Speak of the devil," said Enid. I looked over to the door and Ethel and Felicity were walking in. They wandered over to us. 

"What are you four doing with the fourth years?" said Ethel, rudely. 

"We're helping Clarice and Beatrice prepare for the head girl competition," said Mildred. "I mean, I am head girl after all." 

"Boom," whispered Enid. 

"Well," said Ethel, "I was head girl. If it wasn't for you ruining everything, I still would be. And we both know that I'm a far better witch than you Mildred Hubble." 

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