Chapter sixteen

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Edward's POV:
My face lights up in a bright smile as Bella agrees to come visit my family, I remove my hand from her chin but keep my loose grip on her wrist. She smiles softly as she looks at my hand on her wrist and my thoughts instantly go to how beautiful she is and how I never want her to stop smiling, she coughs slightly, "Edward please can you let go of my wrist now." If I was human I'd blush as I drop her wrist a frown etched onto my face as I lose the contact with her that I so desperately craved. She must have noticed and tentatively reaches for my hand, slowly entwining her fingers with mine. I smile softly at her and lead her out the building towards my car, when we get there I open the door for her and she blushes softly, she gets in the car and I shut the door, then I proceed to get in the car myself and fasten my seat belt, I start the car and drive to my home. When we get there I get out of the car quickly and run to open Bella's door, I open it and offer her my hand, she blushes again and smiles at me, slowly placing her small hand into my much larger one, I wait for her to get out of the car properly and then shut the door behind her. She laces our fingers again and holds my hand as we walk to the front door of my home, I open the front door and gesture for Bella to go first, "after you." She steps in and a look of amazement flashes across her face. I smile at her expression before softly squeezing her hand and softly saying "my family are in the kitchen, I'll introduce you." The amazed look is quickly snatched away and replaced with an anxious one, god what I'd do to know what she was thinking right now. I lead her to the kitchen to see my family cooking food, I clear my throat to get their attention, even though I know that they heard us long before we pulled into the drive way, "everyone this is Bella, Bella this is my sister Alice and my brother Emmett, my adopted brother Jasper and his older sister Rosalie, and my parents Esme and Carlisle, though you've already met Carlisle." Bella smiles nervously "it's lovely to meet you all, hello again dr Cullen." She whispers. Carlisle replies "Bella, please call me Carlisle." She smiles at him and relaxes slightly, that is until he continues "how are you Bella? You aren't in pain are you?" She shakes her head no and Carlisle smiles at her. I gently squeeze her hand to reassure her and she smiles at me. "Do you want to see a tour of the rest of the house?" I softly question her, she looks up into my eyes and nods her head yes. I direct her through the house showing her the games room, the living room, the garden, the music room and eventually lead her all the way up to my room, "this is my room." She takes in her surroundings, before walking over to my music (he has a bed in this story) and starts reading the titles of the various albums on the shelves. "You like Debussy?" She asks, "yes I do" I reply "do you?" I ask in return and she nods "I used to love playing Claire de lune when I played instruments" she says softly. "What did you play?" I question curiously. "Piano and violin." She responds. I was about to ask why she stopped but Esme knocked on my door and said that dinner was ready, so I walked with Bella to the dining room (they can also eat in this story it just offers no nutrients to them so if no one is around they won't bother.) and we sit down at the dinner table and serve ourselves food, from the corner of my eye I see Bella playing around with her food and taking a few small bites before resuming pushing her food around her plate. I softly hold her hand again and smile reassuringly at her.
Bella's POV:
I sit there awkwardly pushing the food around my plate, feeling my stomach in knots at the thought of eating and the thought of wasting the food someone spent time preparing for me. I feel Edward's hand slip into mine and look up to see him smiling at me, so I smile back softly. "So Bella, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Carlisle questions me, I look at him and shyly respond "I like to draw and sew, I also used to play piano and violin." "Why did you stop?" Asked Carlisle, "my father broke my violin accidentally and the piano was at school." I lied, Charlie broke the violin on purpose because he hated the noise apparently. "We have a violin, would you like to play for us?" Esme offered. I nodded my head yes as I loved playing violin, and I never had stage fright. We headed to the music room and Edward handed me the violin and I started to play the last rose of summer (video at the top), when I finish I hear applause from my surroundings, I look up in shock, not used to people applauding me I blush brightly and smile, then the sound of Edward's voice fills my ears "Bella you play so beautifully!"  And I mumble "thank you" in return. I check the time to see it's seven o clock and all colour drained from my skin and I started to shake, carefully placing the violin down with its bow and grabbed my school things and politely asked Edward to take me home.
Carlisle's POV:
When I heard Bella asking to go home to the abusive household that she lives in I wanted to ban Edward from taking her home all together, but I couldn't as I'm not Bella's parent or guardian. "It's late Bella, perhaps you should stay here tonight and Edward can drop you off home in the morning?" My ears hear her stutter out "I-I-I can't-t-t I-I have t-to go h-home but thank-k you." I nod in understanding, a look of sorrow flashing across my face at the thought of this innocent girl being hurt by someone who should love and protect her against those that want to hurt her. "I'll drive her Edward you have homework to do." I say to my oldest child (I know he's not Carlisle's biological son but Carlisle does love him as such and to keep up pretences Edward calls Carlisle dad) "ok dad" I hear him mutter back. I grab Bella's stuff and lead her to my car. As she gets in, I notice her trembling, she smiles weakly at me as I get in the drivers seat and softly ask "what's your address?" She replies and I start driving.
When we get to Bella's house she mumbles a quiet "thanks Dr. Cullen." Before getting out of the car and grabbing her school stuff. I watch as she enters the house and then drive around the corner before parking, close enough so I could still hear what was going on, I'll tell you now, if I could cry I would be. The way that retched man treats his only child is despicable, my heart doesn't beat, but he's more heartless than I could ever be. I hear her cries and screams as he inflicts pain and torture on her. Eventually it gets to be too much, and I drive away. I wish I could call cps but how on earth would I explain how I knew "oh yes officer I'm a vampire and parked around the corner and listened in." Cause I totally wouldn't sound crazy if I said that, she hasn't been in hospital in the last two days either so I can't claim I saw the wounds whilst she was seeking medical advice, an the police wouldn't do anything anyway as Bella once said she wouldn't tell them the truth about what that monster does to her.

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