Chapter twenty two

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Edward's P.O.V:
I stayed with Bella all night long and made sure she had no nightmares. When the sun rose, waving its morning greeting to the world, I check the time. 6:30 am, I thought that I might make Bella breakfast in bed. Hopefully I can try to convince her to eat a bit more than usual, I walk downstairs, but not before kissing Bella on the forehead, I walk into the kitchen and grab the food for Bella to eat and start preparing it. I chop up fruit and crack the eggs. Heating up the stove and putting a pan on top to cook everything, I pour a tiny amount of oil in and listen to the sizzle that fills the room, I tip the eggs into the pan and watch them fry, going from transparent to snowy white, I make a cup of tea and place it on a tray, I place the eggs on a plate and put them next to the tea and fruit I chopped up earlier. I toast some bread and put that with the eggs and decide that's enough food for one person. I grab the tray and take it back upstairs to Bella's room, I set it on the desk and walk over to Bella, softly pressing a kiss to her cheek and murmuring, "time to wake up sleepy head, I brought you breakfast." Her brown eyes slowly flutter open and take in the world around her, she smiles sleepily at me and my unnecessary breath catches in my throat as I smile back and kiss her gently. When we separate I grab the tray and place it in front of Bella who looks a little alarmed at the amount of food, I hold her hand and try to reassure her. She grips the fork in her hand and starts to slowly eat the fruit, chewing for a longer time than most people would but it matters that she's eating something, she finishes her fruit after a while and takes a sip of her tea, the liquid cool enough to not scold her tongue or at least I think it is. She breaths heavily before letting go of my hand and grabbing the knife with it and beginning to eat her eggs, I smile and kiss the side of her head. She offers me some before saying, "do you need to eat food Edward?" I reply, "we can, but it doesn't do anything for me like it does you. But we still enjoy the normality of eating human food every so often." She nods and offers me some again and I take a bite, smiling at her. She smiles back and puts the fork and knife down, taking small bites out of the toast, eventually finishing a slice before shaking her head and uttering, "I-I can't eat anymore. I'm sorry." I stop her and say, "it's fine love, you ate as much as you could, I'm proud of you." I move the tray and place it on the desk before hugging her, my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulder, making sure she feels safe and relaxed. After a while when I know she's okay, I take the tray back downstairs and clean it up before putting everything away. When I walk back upstairs I hear noises in Bella's room and walk in to see Alice rummaging through a make up bag and a smiling Bella, I smile softly at the sight of my girlfriend and sister getting on. Before leaving to hunt, letting the girls finish what they are up to.
Bella's P.O.V:
I sit at the desk and Alice starts pulling out various cosmetics and placing them in front of me. Her voice fills my ears, "now Edward is going to take you out somewhere today so you need to look ready." I stare at her confused and she giggles before continuing, "I can see the future, Jasper is an empath, he knows how you're feeling, and Edward is telepathic, he reads minds." I blush bright red at the thought of Edward reading my mind when we first met. Alice laughs and says, "don't worry you're the only person whose mind he can't read." I sigh in relief and let Alice do my make up and hair before she bounces into my closet and finds some of the clothes I made and squealing and grabbing clothes before handing them to me. I walk into the bathroom and change. Smiling at the choice she made.

Bella's hair:

Bella's hair:

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