Chapter twenty three

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Bella's P.O.V:
After two and a half hours of being dragged around the shopping mall, Rosalie and Alice declare that the shopping expedition is over. Edward comes over to us, smirking at us. More likely the mountain of bags that we have with us. He gently takes the bags off of me and starts to lead me back to the car, Alice and Rosalie following behind us. When we get to the car, Edward opens the trunk and placed the bags he took off me in and then he takes the bags that Alice and Rosalie are were holding as well. Once all the bags are placed in Edward shuts the trunk and walks around the side of the car and opens my door for me. Now used to the sort of treatment, I still blush but it's isn't bright red like usual. I get in the car and the door being closed behind me. Alice and Rosalie got in the back of the car and Edward sat in the drivers seat. He checks I have my seatbelt on, which I do, before starting the car up. The purr of the engine vibrating underneath us as we begin to drive home. I watch as the surrounding scenery blurs into a cacophony of colours and light. Eventually we pull into the driveway and as usual Edward opens the door for me, helps me out like always and smiles softly at me as he carries my bags inside the house, unaffected by the crisp September breeze unlike I was. I shivered and walked into the warm and welcoming house that was the Cullen's household. Almost immediately after the door was shut Alice softly grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the direction of a room I could only assume was hers. "Alice what are you doing?" I queried but she only grinned back at me. I shot a pleasing look at Edward who was silently laughing at the look on my face. When we got to Alice's destination she pushed me down onto a chair and began pulling various cosmetics out of drawers. I began to protest but Rosalie just turned on some music and began picking out nail varnish. I saw the loss of the battle and gave in to playing barbie. My makeup was done and when I tried to look Alice blocked my view declaring, "you don't go to an art gallery to view unfinished art Bella." I sighed and let her move onto my hair. Rosalie had painted my nails and toenails and was now digging through the bags from various clothes stores that we had been to earlier. She made a noise of triumph and Alice immediately shot over to take a look, excited squeals of agreement were all you could hear as Alice returned and finished curling and pining my hair. Next Rosalie handed me a dress and some shoes before shooing me behind a privacy screen to change. (Pictures below of makeup hair and dress)

 (Pictures below of makeup hair and dress)

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Before Alice declared me done she grabbed the bottle of black opium that they had insisted I'd need earlier and lightly sprayed it on me

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Before Alice declared me done she grabbed the bottle of black opium that they had insisted I'd need earlier and lightly sprayed it on me. Alice smiled and gently turned me around to show me, I gasped softly at the woman who stared back at me. The dress fell to the floor and while form fitting, still covered my biggest scars and bruises, the ones that were still visible I covered up with some makeup handed to me by Alice, "Alice I look amazing but why am I dressing up like this?" Before she could go to tell me there was a soft knock on the door and Alice bounced over to open it. She murmured silently to the person on the other side of the door and then turned around and simply stated, "it's a surprise." She held my hand and led me back downstairs, my eyes searching for Edward and sadly not seeing him anywhere. Instead I was greeted by the rest of the family, a grinning Emmett wolf whistled before whining when Rosalie slapped him and Jasper offered me a little grin which I returned. When I got downstairs Esme gathered me in a hug and said softly, "we've got some early birthday gifts to give you to finish your outfit." Carlisle clasped my shoulder and guided me to the living room. I began to protest but was quickly silenced by Esme saying that they weren't massive things. They sat me down, Edward still not anywhere to be seen, and handed me two boxes. I opened the first and gasped softly inside was a beautiful necklace and earring set that looked way too expensive

 I opened the first and gasped softly inside was a beautiful necklace and earring set that looked way too expensive

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I looked up at Carlisle and Esme and softly said, "it's beautiful but I can't accept this. It's too expensive." Alice, meanwhile had taken the necklace out of the box and clipped it around my neck, "nonsense Bella and besides it goes perfectly with your dress." Esme said as Alice occupied herself with putting the earrings on me. The second box was pressed into my hands and once opened revealed another necklace. 'Was the one I'm wearing not enough?' I thought to myself. Carlisle came over to me and clasped my hands in his cold ones, "Bella this necklace is a very special necklace. It contains our families crest on it and every member of the family receives one." Tears filled my eyes as I realised that included me, I was apart of their family.

Arms encircled my waist and I looked up to see Edward in the most jaw dropping outfit

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Arms encircled my waist and I looked up to see Edward in the most jaw dropping outfit. He was wearing a black suit with a white button up shirt. He smiled that heart-stopping smile at me and gently lent down to brush his lips against mine. I smiled back and gently clasped his hand. "You look stunning my love." He softly murmured in my ear, I felt the familiar feeling of blushing rise in my face as Edward stood up and offered me his hand, once stood he laughed, "you're not so short anymore. Anyway ready for your surprise darling?" I nodded my head softly and Edward led me out to the car.

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