Chapter twenty one

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Bella's POV:
I don't know what I've done wrong. Edward seems so distant from me today, I've tried everything, suggesting a walk, watching films, heck I even tried to get him to play piano with me but no matter what we did together he seemed so far away. I worry that he's leaving me, that he doesn't love me anymore. I walk to my bathroom and sit in the side of the bath and put my hands in my hair and silently cry, I'm so scared, I can't loose Edward. I love him too much. I almost grab the blade that I put in my phone case after my previous suicide attempt, but remember that Edward seems to be good at telling when I'm hurt. I sigh and wash my face with water before heading downstairs, Edward softly grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, somehow sensing my anxiety, I smile at him and follow him as he leads me to the dining room. When we arrive there, I notice that the entire family is sat there and immediately my heart begins to race. He's leaving me. I'm going to be all alone. Again. My breath hitches slightly, but to stop myself looking weak, I force myself to calm down. I breathe in and sit down next to Edward. Automatically, he squeezes my hand and I relax slightly. "Bella we have to tell you something..." Edward's voice fills my ears, oh god they're going to kick me out, I'll be alone again and Edward will leave me. I nod despite my inner turmoil, he continues, "we're vampires, but we only drink animal blood." I process the information before relaxing entirely and smiling at them, "I knew something was amiss with you all, your skin gave it away. It's so cold. And all the times I've hugged Edward and not heard a heartbeat. I don't mind that you're all vampires, you're kind and you're still you, I know you'd never hurt me." They all smile at me and Edward pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead. I smile up at him and rest my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around my waist. I sit up straight and then Edward stands up and I follow him and walk to the garden with him, our hands intertwined. When we reach the garden we sit on the stones near the river and Edward wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. He softly murmurs, "do you want to tell me why you were so panicked before we told you about us?" I turn my head to look at him and respond, "I thought you were leaving me and kicking me out." His eyes widen and he pulls me impossibly closer to him, turning me around and putting his face in my neck, his muffled reply of, "never" filling my ears. I softly stroke his hair and we sit there, enjoying each other's company and the nature that surrounds us. About an hour passes before we stand up and decide to go back inside. We head to our favourite room, the music room, and I sit next to Edward and grab a violin and bow, Edward smiles at me and turns to watch as I begin to play.
Edward's P.O.V:
As the sound of Bella's playing filled my ears, I recognised the song and turned to play the piano accomplishment. My fingers danced across the ivory keys in melodious harmony with Bella's violin playing, she flashed her beautiful smile at me and lit my world up. As the song trailed to an end Bella placed the violin down and walked over to me, I opened my arms to her and she sat on the stool next to me and burrowed her head into my chest, wrapped around me like I was going to leave her if she let me go. Though I suppose with how she was acting before we told her about what we are it made sense. She thought I was leaving her. That I didn't love her anymore. I placed a soft kiss in her hair and played with her hair near her shoulder blades. She relaxed into me and I smiled, content with my existence at that moment in time. However, we had to move eventually and after about twenty minutes Bella stretched slightly before standing up. She grabbed my hand gently, signifying she wanted me to stand and follow her. I did just that and followed her as she led me out of the house and into the garage where she proceeded to get into my car , I smiled slightly and got in before starting the car once Bella had passed me the keys she must've grabbed on our way out. I turned to her and asked, "where to my love?" She smiled and gave me an address and I started driving. As we drove through the town I started to recognise the way we were going, to Bella's house. My grip on the steering wheel tightened and my knuckles went white from the skin being pulled taut. As we grew closer to our destination I realised we were not going to her old house, but somewhere else. When we finally pulled up to the address I noticed it was a graveyard. My eyebrows furrowed slightly as Bella led me through rows of graves. When she eventually sat down on the grass she smiled and softly reached out to let her fingers graze the grave in front of her. "Hey mum." My eyes widened in realisation as the words filled my ears "I brought someone special with me today, he saved me." When I heard those words I would have cried if I could. I wrapped my arms around Bella's waist and kissed the side of her head. We sat there for some time, Bella talking to her mum. After about half an hour we walked back to the car and drove back home. As soon as we walked in we heard Esme saying that dinner was ready. We entered the dining room and I pulled out the chair for Bella and when she was sat down, I sat down myself. We sat and ate talking between us quietly. After we'd finished I held Bella's hand and walked upstairs with her. We walked into her room and she grabbed some clothes before walking into the bathroom and locked the door, I ran and got changed (vamp speed) and sat on her bed waiting for her, she came out a minute later and sat next to me. I pressed a kiss to the side of her head and lay down on the bed, she lay next to me and rested her head in my chest before turning on the tv in her room and loading up Disney plus and put on iron man 2. After the film finished she was asleep and I turned off the tv. Smiled softly at her peaceful face and relaxed.

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