Chapter thirteen

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Bold text is thoughts
Bold underlined is Edward texting Bella
Normal underlined is Bella texting Edward
Trigger warning:rape if you don't want to read it I'm going to mark where it finishes and where it starts so you can skip it.
Edward's p.o.v:
I sat by Bella's bedside every second of every day, anxiously waiting for her to wake up. After a week of waiting Carlisle walked into the room like he did everyday to check her vitals before looking up at me and saying, "Edward you need to go home, have a shower and hunt. I promise you I will call you if there's any change in Bella." I sigh and reluctantly nod before stretching after I stand up from the uncomfortable hospital chair that I'd been sat on. I looked at Carlisle and said "please promise me if she flatlines and you can't restart her heart, you'll change her, she's my mate and if she dies I die." He nods his head and I leave. As I enter the car park I get in my car I drive home. When I arrive I run into the forest to hunt. I catch the scent of a mountain bear and follow it, when it comes into my sight I pounce on it taking it down and draining it of it's blood. Once I finish my meal I already feel a lot better but repeat the process with a mountain lion and a doe before I'm completely satisfied. After I'm done hunting I head home to change clothes and shower, just as I got out of the shower I hear my phone go off and in alarm I start searching for it, when I finally found it I picked up the call and Carlisle's voice floods into my ears as he gently says, "she's awake." I hung up and got dressed in a rush before running to my car and speeding back to the hospital.
Bella's p.o.v:
Darkness. Most people associate darkness with death and fear, but for me I associate it with peace, calmness and safety. Darkness is a place where Charlie or anyone else can't hurt me, but all good things must come to an end eventually and my world of darkness and peace was disturbed by an annoying continuous beeping noise. I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy, like someone had placed boulders on them. I kept trying and eventually I managed to open my eyes for a second before I shut them again to protect them from the blinding lights, I opened them slowly to allow myself to to adjust to the brightness of the light before opening my eyes all the way and taking in my surroundings. Pure white, that's all I could see for a couple seconds I thought that I was dead and at peace for ever, but then I thought if I was dead why was that annoying beeping noise still there. I realised that it was a heart monitor and I was still very much alive to my dissatisfaction. I heard the door swing open and saw a doctor walk in. It was the blonde man who had treated me last time I was here and the one who knew about what Charlie did behind closed doors. He was looking at a clipboard before he looked up and saw me looking at him and said "you're awake, how do you feel." I tried to talk but no sound came out of my dry throat apart from croaks, he noticed this and picked up a jug of water and a cup from the side of my bed and poured me a cup before handing it to me. I drank it quickly as the cool water revitalised my parched throat. I tried to talk again and was successful as I hoarsely muttered "hurts." He replied "what's hurting Bella" and I mumbled "everything". He quickly administered something into an IV connected to my hand, which started to drip down and into my viens, a cold sensation trickling through them as it flowed. He sat down and looked at me with sad eyes and started talking softly "why did you attempt to end your life Bella?" I stared at him before responding "I don't have anything left to live for. My mum is dead and I have no friends. I don't see the point in being alive." He continued to look at me with those sad eyes before simply saying "I'm Dr Cullen but please call me Carlisle." I nodded softly before thinking to myself, he has the same last name as Edward maybe it's his father. I stare at the wall in front of me as Carlisle leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Edward's p.o.v:
I entered the hospital and ran at a human pace to Bella's room. I walked in and saw her staring at a wall, I don't think she even heard me enter. I cleared my throat slightly to get her attention and she flinched harshly before looking up at me and relaxing a little but still carefully watching me. "Hello Edward." She whispers gently and I smile softly at her and say hey back before going to sit on my chair. She fiddled with her hands before tucking her hair behind her ear and looking up at me with her big sad brown eyes and mumbled "thank you for helping me, but I'm discharging myself later today." I look at her in disbelief before voicing my concerns "you need to stay here so you can receive the medical attention you need and if you did discharge yourself where will you go Bella." She looked down at her hands and answered "I'm fine Edward and I'm going home." I continued to try a convince her to stay here where I can keep her safe and with me "Bella it's not safe there you can't go back until he's arrested." I hear a whisper come from her that makes my blood boil "I'm not telling the police anything and I won't allow you or Carlisle to either. I'm going home end of." I stood up and stormed out of the room shutting the door firmly behind me, I marched down the corridors looking for Carlisle. I found him in his office and he looked up at me as entered the room, I start yelling "she's going home Carlisle and isn't going to report the abuse to the police what can we do." He looks at me and replies "I'm sorry Edward but we can't stop her leaving and the police would need a statement from her before they're able to do anything." I growl in frustration, feeling a strong urge to punch something right now before uttering "she's planning on leaving today Carlisle before her injuries are even healed properly." That get his attention and he replies "she's planning to leave today Edward?" I nod my head and he stands up and we start running, at human pace, to Bella's room only to see a nurse cleaning up the wires and turning off the heart monitor, we then run to reception to see Bella checking herself out. Carlisle walks up to her and pleads softly "Bella please stay here for a few more days to let yourself heal, don't return home you aren't safe there." She looked at him and replied "thank you for your concern Dr Cullen but I'm fine and I'll be fine if I need your help I'll call Edward." And with that she left. I ran after her and offered her a ride home because I'd rather take her home then have her walk out in the rain, she accepts and gets in my car. I drop her off at her home and smile sadly at her before she gets out and walks to the door, trembling, and knocks. I didn't want to see her get hurt so I drive off and return home.
Bella's p.o.v:
As I knock on the door it pushes open and I step in to see beer bottles everywhere and Charlie no where I start cleaning up the beer bottles and hover the living room before heading up to my room. I hear the front door slam shut and my heart leaps in my throat as I hear footsteps stomping up the stairs and my bedroom door is thrown open as a red faced Charlie storms in and grips me by the hair dragging me out of my room and downstairs, my aching body thumping down the stairs as I'm dragged, he drags me down to the basement, my body feeling likes it's on fire as pain erupts through me. He throws me on a bed and ties me in place. My heart pounds in my chest as fear courses through me as he grips my face tightly and yells "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE LAST WEEK SLUT. BET YOU'VE BEEN WHORING YOURSELF OUT TO EVERY BOY AT YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING SCHOOL. WELL IF YOU'RE GOIMG TO ACT LIKE A SLUT I'M GOING TO TREAT YOU LIKE ONE!"
(Rape begins here)
He grabs a knife and cuts my shirt off me as I scream and beg for him to stop but my pleas fall on deaf ears as he continues doing what he wishes, he cuts my bra off me and unbuttons my jeans as I cry loudly, desperately trying to get away from him but with my hands tied to the bed I have no chance. He slaps me and yells at me to stay still and I see no way out so I give up and lay limp on the bed as he pulls my jeans and panties down. He grips my hips hard and thrusts into me taking my virginity, I scream loudly as pain shoots through me and he gives me no time before roughly pounding into me, taking away the last shred of dignity I had left. He finishes and unties me before leaving and locking the door behind him, trapping me in the basement.
(Rape over now it's safe to continue reading)
I sob softly and curl into myself as blood trickles down my legs before I hear my phone go off in my pocket. I reach down to pick up my jeans and check my phone. Edward has text me
Hey Bella are you ok
I'm fine Edward don't worry I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Bye Bella be careful
I will.
I continue to softly cry as I drift to sleep my body in so much agony.
————————-time skip———————————
I wake up to and get into my ruined clothes and check the door to find it unlocked. I leave the basement limping heavily as I head into the kitchen to get everything ready for breakfast, Charlie comes down as I place his cup of coffee on the table and sits down and starts eating before looking at me and saying, "go wash yourself bitch your covered in blood." I nod and silently head upstairs to take a shower and change clothes before grabbing my backpack and heading out to school. As I arrive I see the Cullens on the other side of the car park but ignore them and head to biology. I sit in my seat as Edward comes in and sits next to me. He asks "how are you Bella?" I give him a brief response "fine." As the rest of the class files in and sits down.

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