Chapter fourteen

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Bella's p.o.v:
At the end of biology I stand up and wince as pain shoots through me, I start to pack my things as I continue to wince occasionally as my aching body is jostled, Edward grabs my wrist as I turn to leave the classroom making me hiss as he unconsciously pulls on friction burns from being tied up, I pray he didn't notice but the question that fell from his lips made it clear that he did. "Bella what's wrong with you, what has that monster done to you?" I glare at him and try to yank my wrist out of his iron clad grip "nothing happened now let me go Edward." He pulls back my sleeve to see the red tell tale burn that engulfed my wrist and a good portion of my arm. "Oh Bella, what did he do, please let me help you." Edward mutters sadly, I shake my head in response and remove my wrist from his now loose grip and run out of the room tears streaming down my face like a meandering river mapping it's course. I run down the corridors trying to get as far away from Edward as possible and I know in the depths of my heart he's only trying to help, but I'm scared for his safety, what if Charlie hurts him, as I'm running down the corridor I bump into someone I look at them starting to stutter out an apology before I realise who I bumped into "Jessica I'm so-sorry I didn't mean to bump you it's just I was running from" but before I could finish my sentence she interrupted "Edward. I know all about your creepy stalker ways, following him around the school, well back off bitch he's my boyfriend or at least he will be." She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over to the lockers before smashing my head full force into them over and over until I open my arms and welcome unconsciousness like an old friend.
_________________________________________ Edward's P.O.V:
I was walking down the corridors looking for Bella when I caught the scent of her blood, I followed it and found her unconscious near lockers with blood trickling out of her head. I pick her up in my arms whilst thinking "why is it always Bella?" I carefully carry her to the nurses office and lay her on the bed before running to find the nurse, once I found him I took him to Bella and he stitched her up and told me to go to class while she recovered. As I was walking to my next class I saw my adopted sister, Alice, she grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into a broom closet, "Is everything alright with Bella, Edward?" She asked her face creased with worry and fear, "How did you, never mind, her father Alice, he's so cruel to her, she has rope burns and is limping, I can't even imagine what the bastard has done to her now, I'm so scared to lose her, I haven't known her long but I can't imagine my world without her, I think she's my mate Alice." I reply. Alice nods and like the mysterious pixie she is, leaves.
Bella's P.O.V:
I wake up to a headache. God I feel like someone drilled into my head with a jackhammer, as I'm rubbing my forehead the nurse walked in with tablets, giving me them, he also gave me what I'm guessing is meant to be a smile but it looks more like a grimace to me. I take the tablets and grab my bag before seeing it was the end of the day and realising I had to go to a place that most would consider safe and happy but in my world, it's my own personal hell, four square walls with bars on the windows and locks on all the doors, I'm stuck and I can't get out, trapped like a vicious animal who really is just scared and frightened. I walk as slowly as I possibly can to try to prolong  my peace, my sanity and my safety, but like I've said before all good things must come to an end, dreams fade and we must face the harsh truth that is reality. I let myself into the house, the house I refuse to call a home because it never has been and never will be, I'm struck down before I'm even all the way through the door and instead of getting up and facing the harsh truth, my harsh truth, I lay on the floor with blood trickling out of the wounds that were caused by Jessica earlier, mixing with the salty rivers of tears streaming from my eyes. "Get. Up. Now" a seething voice demands and I know better than to ignore it because it will only result in more pain for me. So, I heave my aching body off of the floor and stand with my back straight but my head bowed, my body trembling like a leaf fluttering in the wind as I await the blows that I know I'm about to receive, but instead I get "go to your room the very sight of you makes me sick." Once behind the safety of my door I let out a jittery breath of relief and allow my knees to finally buckle causing me to land on the floor whilst I cry softly hating the excruciating truth that no one ever tells their kids, not all parents love their children, my father doesn't love me, instead of showering me with comfort and love he showers me with punches and slaps, memories that will never fade from my mind and will always stick there, attached like two pieces of Velcro that lets all the good things slip by without a glance sideways but even the smallest bad thing happens and it stays at the very front of my mind, ready to pounce at night and stalk me into the land of sleep with promises of broken sleep filled with nauseating nightmare and the merciless memories of the past, my past, my present and what my head tells me will be my future, how I'm going to be found dead one day and no one will blink an eye or care because I'm the girl who wants to die anyway so in their eyes I'd have gotten what I wanted all along but I never wanted to die I just want to be safe and loved by those who are meant to love me.

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