Chapter eighteen

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Edward's POV:
I show Bella to her room and help her unpack her things. She puts the rest of her bags away and smiles that gorgeous smile at me. I swear if my heart beat, it would skip one when she looks at me like that. I walk over to her and rest my hands on her hips, gently pulling her closer to me as I lean down to softly kiss her, her fingers gently intertwine with my hair and I smile into the kiss, contentment thrumming through my veins like the best drug. When we part I rest my head against hers. I hear Esme call us for dinner, we hold hands as we walk downstairs, as usual I pull Bella's chair out for her, the 1920s normalities thoroughly engraved in my mind. We start to eat and like normal Bella pushes her food around her plate, only eating small bites here and there, she sighs softly and I reach for her hand to try and reassure her, she smiles gratefully at me and continues to eat small amounts of her food. Carlisle softly begins to talk, "Bella if it's ok with you, I'd like to check your wounds after dinner and make sure nothing is too wrong." She nods in response.
Bella's POV:
After dinner Carlisle and I head to his office, he pulls a chair out for me and I sit down, "please can you take off your jacket Bella." He asks softly. I remove it and he gently clasps my wrist and starts to check over the numerous burns, cuts and bruises that cover my skin, he reaches for a first aid kit and takes out antiseptic, he applies it to a cotton ball and starts to gently clean my cuts, he then takes burn cream and repeats the process on my burns, he then wraps bandages my arm and tape it in place. He then looks me in the eyes "is there any serious wounds that you've obtained Bella." I think about the stab wound on my side and nod softly. "Please will you show me?" I slowly lift my shirt to the top of where the bandage rests, his hands reaching to gently remove the tape and safety pin before unwrapping the bandage from around my waist, I hear a sharp breath coming from him as he catches sight of the wound, "did you go to the hospital for this Bella?" I mumble my reply "no I treated it myself, I have a steady hand and learned to stitch myself up quickly. I didn't really have any other choice." He nods and rewraps the bandage around my waist before securing it in place again. His cold hands. His strangely cold hands, slowly press into my ribs. "You have two broken ribs Bella, are you having any trouble breathing?" I shake my head and he continues his check up, carefully washing any cuts and treating any burns he finds. After about two hours he finishes and I thank him and he smiles at me. I leave and head to my room. I get there and find Edward sat on the bed. I go over to him and he places his hands on my waist, unknowingly pressing into my wound and broken ribs, I cry out in pain quietly and he immediately lets go in alarm. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry Bella I didn't mean to. Please baby forgive me." He rambles . I sit on the bed next to him and softly kiss his lips to silence him. "You didn't hurt me, don't apologise, I just have a couple broken ribs there and a stab wound. I'm not mad or anything. Besides, you called me baby, how could I not be ok?" I smile softly at him, before long a yawn escapes my lips, he chuckles softly and lies me down before pulling the blanket over me, "go to sleep baby, you need the rest to heal properly." I protest quietly, "I'm still in my clothes though." "Ok I'll step out, get into your pyjamas and call me back when you're done, ok?" I nod softly and he leaves the room. I slowly climb out of bed and get changed. I call him in when I'm done and he immediately comes back into the room and gently guides me to the bed and pulls the blanket over me, kissing my forehead softly,"sleep well Bella." I smile softly at him and murmur, "you too Edward." I close my eyes and slip into the land of sleep.
Bella's dream
I'm in my room at the Cullen's, a loud banging reverberating through the room as someone pounds on the door. I try to curl up as small as I can into the corner of the room when the hinges finally give up with their mission of holding the door firmly to the frame, the door crashing to the floor with a resounding thump. My heart leaps into my throat as Charlie steps into the room, a knife dripping blood in his hand. The sound of his cruel, cold voice fills my ears, "you've been naughty Isabella, running away from me. You made me kill them you useless bitch. Their deaths are on your hands." He sneered at me cruelly before lifting the knife above his head and slamming it down, down, down. Straight into my chest. I register the cry of anguish I make as it fills the room, along with Charlie's manic laughter as he watches his only child bleed to death in front of him.
I scream as I awaken with a jolt, my heart racing against my rib cage. I hear the door open and a pair of arms circling around my waist, pulling me into them. Half aware of what's going on, I thrash around, desperately trying to get away from whoever is holding me, scared to be hurt any more. I cry and beg until a soothing voice fills my ears, "baby shhh you're ok, it's me, please come back to me darling. You're safe here, you're in my arms and I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." I go limp in Edward's arms and cry into his chest, my hands grabbing his shirt as I sob loudly, my body wracking from it. Edward strokes my hair and softly hums in an attempt to soothe me. He lies me back down as my sons slow and when he thinks I'm asleep, he gets up to leave, but I stop him with a soft mumble "please don't go Edward, I'm scared and you make me feel safe." He climbs into bed with me and loops his arms around my waist pulling me into him. I yawn and shut my eyes, slipping into the most peaceful sleep of my life.

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