21| Fridays and First Games

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So excited for you guys to read this one. Enjoy!!

Three Days Later

Friday. Gameday. Steve took a deep breath when the bell rang, signaling the end of PE, signaling the end of the day. Signaling just an hour and a half until the game started.

Steve was fine, he was fine. He was ready. He wasn't scared, he's played in football games countless times. It was fine!

Sam went to bring the ball back to the cart and Bucky went over to Steve. He slapped a hand on his back.

"Excited?" He asked, his tone totally calm and soothing, as always. He sounded confident like he knew they were going to win. Like this didn't stress him out, unlike Steve. Uhh, like Steve.

"Very," Steve replied but it sounded dull and empty.

"Oh come on now, don't be so nervous. We're good," Steve didn't know if he meant the team was good or that they were going to be good. Was there a difference?

Natasha headed over to them, Tony drailing behind with his nose in his phone.

Steve and Tony are... friends now? It's weird between them. Thursday their tables sat together and it was a lot less awkward. With Bucky and Tony, they are civil as well. They're not all buddy-buddy, but they can get along. They've only argued once so far this week.

"Gameday," Natasha smiled when she stopped in front of them. Steve bit his inner cheek. Bucky smiled wide.

"Damn straight. Hydras going down!" Tony snorted a laugh while still looking down at his phone. Bucky narrowed his eyes at the brunette, "What? You don't think we can beat them?" Bucky asked, sounding as if Tony's small noise really provoked him. Tony looked up from his phone to the taller brunette lazily.

"I think you're too easily convinced that you guys will win. Hydras good, you know that. They beat you over half of the time," Tony explained bored like he really did not care about being here. Buckys jaw clenched.

"That's because you gave us shitty plays on purpose. You were whipped on Justin and followed him like a little puppy," Bucky shot back. Instead of Tony getting super livid as Natasha and Steve expected, he threw his head back and laughed. A cold hard laugh that they all were too familiar with.

"My fault? You think it's my fault? You were the one who didn't want to listen to what I said! If you did you would've won!"

"I see right through your little tough act, Stark. You wanted Justin to win. You're nothing more tha-."

"Guys! Can you just stop? Please?" Natasha interrupted. Tony and Bucky remained eye contact, challenging each other, seeing who would break first. Steve looked between the two. They were children.

Tony tilted his head, his eyes narrowed. Bucky raised an eyebrow and kept eye-contact. Before they could see who would crack first, Sam and Rhodey joined them at their side. They both looked away.

Natasha rolled her eyes and put an arm around Rhodey and Tony.

"Come on you two, let's let the football players go warm-up," she said and lead the two away. "Good luck, boys!" she called out as they walked away.


"You're really rude to him, you know," Steve said to Bucky as they ran laps around the football field. Bucky moved some sweaty long hair out of his face and glanced at Steve.

"Who?" Bucky playing dumb. There was no way he actually didn't know who they were talking about. But that's Bucky for you.

"Don't play stupid with me, Barnes. Come on, he's been through a lot of shit," Steve replied as they ran. This was probably their fourth lap.

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