28| Mornings and Money

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Not to spoil my own book, but this chapter is soooo fucking eventful. Buckle up, bitches.

The next morning, Tony awoke with his head stuffed against someone's chest. His brain immediately went to Steve, and he could feel the blush that creeped upon his face. But when he sneaked a peak up, he noticed that it was the wrong dirty blond.

He was actually stuffed against Clint, who was asleep with the occasional loud snore before going back into quieter and softer ones. Tony got a bit mad, but couldn't tell if it was over that he wasn't cuddled with Steve or that he was mad that he wanted to be.

Either way, it was just Clint. Tony closed his eyes again and started to turn over on his side. That's when he noticed another arm that was thrown over his body. Not wrapped around or holding him, but it was enough. Tony smiled.

He tried to turn as gracefully as possible to not wake up either of the blonds. It didn't work, and when he finally got settled he noticed how Steve's eyelids stared to flutter.

Panicking, Tony quickly shut his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

He couldn't see anything, but he felt Steve's hand hold the place of Tonys waist for just half a second. It was a light touch, but it took everything in Tony to not physically react and shiver from it. It felt like Steve's hand belonged there. Like Tony was made and shaped just to fit perfectly for Steve.

Steve could do anything he wanted, and Tony would most likely blindly follow. Fuck, Tony needs to get over this new forming obsession.

Steve moved his arm back to his side, Tony knew that much. When a minute passed without a sound or touch, Tony got too curious.

He tried to subtly open one eye just a bit to see what Steve was doing. He was just staring up at the ceiling. He wondered what he was thinking about. Was he regretting how touchy he was with Tony last night? Was he disgusted by it? Was Steve just bored and being friendly? Was it just something he did with friends? Was it something he did because he was bored and wanted to flirt, but it was meaningless?

Now was the time to fake a wake up. So Tony closed his eyes and moved a bit, putting on a show of slowly gaining consciousness.

It must've worked, because when he opened his eyes and yawned, Steve was looking at him.

"Morning. Sleep well?" Steve asked. Tony nodded, acting groggy, and looked around.

Bruce was no where to be seen while Sam was still passed out on a beanbag. Bucky must still be in the living room, and maybe Natasha slept in Yelenas.

Actually, now that Tonys thought were elsewhere other than Steve, he could hear the faint noise of... Lady Gaga?

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning for real this time. Steve watched him with a little smile.

"Do you hear that?" Tony whispered, half to keep quiet to be able to hear the music better and the other half for the two sleeping friends in the room.

Steve lowered his eyebrows, a line forming between them as he tried to listen. After a few seconds he made out the slight "I'm beautiful in my way".

Then, Steve groaned. Tony looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Buckys cooking."

Tony, then, understood the distaste in Steve's tone when he walked into Nats kitchen. There Bucky was, dancing and singing along to the song "Born This Way" while mixing what seemed to be pancake mix. Yelena was whisking the eggs.

He used the whisk as a microphone. His lack of attention made the mix go everywhere while he sang and danced.

"The fuck?" Tony greeted while he took a seat at the island. Bucky looked up at him grinned.

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