19| Dylan and Defensive

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History class was all too boring for Tony's short attention span. British history was too tiring to actually pay attention to, but the work was super difficult. They were learning from the years 1906-2007, and too many things happened in those 99 years. Loads of politics and economics.

It was Tonys lowest grade so he better be paying attention. A 95 and it seemed it was still sinking. But still, Tony couldn't focus on King George V's election of November 1935, he kept thinking back to what happened at lunch in the back bathroom.

Okay happened is a strong word. Nothing happened, just talked, if you could even call that talking. More like arguing and a little teasing.

Steve sat behind him in this class, besides Bucky. Tony didn't dare to turn around and look at him. He knew Steve all too well, and if he did it would get him a small smile and an eyebrow raise. Totally taking amusement in Tony looking back at him.

After Tony's embarrassing scene of saying "yes" to Steve's question, you could tell Steve was shocked. That was not the answer he expected. Then Tony laughed, playing it off as a joke. Because it was a joke.

Then he was saved by the bell. Steve let out an awkward chuckle and Tony hopped down from the sink counter. They walked to history class in silence and kept three feet between them. Tony wondered if Steve told or was telling Bucky about their conversation. Tony doubted it, but it was still a possibility. Steve has been going from sweet to just evil and he was a hard read. For all Tony knew Steve was just pretending to care to do another prank. He never did get Tony back for the (hot) hair.

Which was basically gone by now. Sigh, he looked like the cliche extremely hot bad boy. With the blond, he looked like Mr. Golden Boy. That name did match him more than bad boy though.

Steve sat in the back with Bucky thinking over the party that took place just a couple of nights ago. Now that he thought about it the name Justin Hammers sounded slightly familiar. There was no way to tell if he knew him though. Justin didn't go to this school- Steve assumed -so how could he possibly know him? He knew no one outside of Avengers High School.

There was no point to think over it too much. Tony said directly to just forget it, so that's what Steve should do. He knew he'd have a hard time doing that.

Focus on the football game Friday, Steve told himself. The first game was coming up in a few days and Steve out of his mind scared. And a little excited- which just scares him more.

The team really liked him though, and he was good. Even random girls and boys would come around saying hi and start up a conversation like they knew each other. Guessed they did know him.

Coach Raven is obviously having doubts about their possibility to win even though he hasn't said that directly. You can see it in his eyes. But the chances were on their side, and most of the players were one hundred percent sure they would win. Their team was good, and Thor was possibly the fastest person Steve has ever seen, and he thought he was fast.

Thor Odinson was the running back for Avengers High and damn was he good. Not only were his plays effective and quick thinking, but they were also graceful. One second he was at the fifty-yard line and the next he just got a touchdown. It was unbelievable. Everyone was sure he was going to end up going pro. Steve tried not to be jealous at that.

There was no way he was going to get able to afford college even with his saving account he started at age fourteen, so sports was his only way. He knew this from a young age, that's why he did every sport there was to offer that he wasn't half bad at. But Football was his favorite and best, but Thor was better. He needed to get a (full) ride on football to a good college, and it wasn't helping that all the attention was on the bigger, heavier guy.

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