26| Calming and Charming

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Ever since the party homecoming night, ever since Bucky and Tony sang together, Steve has noticed how things have changed. They seem to be inseparable now. The two spend more time together than Tony and Bruce do now.

And it's super annoying. Whenever Steve wants to hang out with Bucky, Tony is there. Whenever Steve wants to hang out with Tony, Bucky is there.

Monday after homecoming, morning before school

Steve had just finished fixing his hair in the mirror. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts to find Bucky. At lunch today he wanted to know if he wanted to go off campus lunch with him. Sam already said that he was going to eat with Rhodey so Steve wanted to know if them two could do something.

He felt like he's been pretty mean to Bucky for no reason. He's been a little judgy in his head and Bucky doesn't deserve that.

He rang to Bucky.

"Steve! Hey, what's up? You need a lift?" Steve could tell that he was already driving to school. Why so early?

"No, thanks, I'm good. Just wanted to know if want to get off-campus lunch today? Maybe some buffalo wings? Sam is hanging out with Rhodey so I think it'll be fun for us,"

Steve headed downstairs and waved goodbye to his dad before walking out the door. His mom had an early shift at the hospital today.

"Yeah, sure. Can Tony come?"

Tony? Why would Tony join them?

"Uhh, I guess. I mean, sure. So you and Tony get along pretty nicely now, huh?" Steve switched the phone to the other shoulder and leaned his cheek against it while starting his car.

"Yeah, he's cool. I'm driving to his house right now to give him a lift to school."

Steve blinked. What? The amount of times Steve has offered a ride to Tony was literally unlimited. But all of a sudden he wants to ride with Bucky?

...what did Steve do wrong? He's done nothing but try with Tony for the past couple weeks.

The lunch that day was awkward, and Steve knew to never hang out with the two of them alone again. He's never felt more like a third wheel. And he's gone to the movies with his old buddy and his girlfriend before back in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, lunch

Steve glanced between Bucky and Tony as they leaned over and looked at Buckys phone, both laughing their asses off. Of course, no one else at the table was in on the joke because the oh so loving couple wouldn't show it to anyone else. It didn't seem to bother anyone beside Steve though.

Tony zoomed in on the phone and nudged Bucky, making him laugh more. Steve just rolled his eyes and looked at Natasha.

"Hey, wanna come with me to the vending machine to get Reese's?" He asked. Natasha turned away from Clint and at the blond.


"Okay, great," Steve quickly got up and walked towards the exit of the gymnasium.

Friday, three hours after school

"Steve!" Tony sounded really happy to hear from Steve once he picked up the phone. The smile evident in Tonys voice made Steve smile as well.

"Hey, Tony."

"Hi! What's up!" He said, his voice still as happy as before. There was some background noise, so Steve could assume that he was out and about. Still, it didn't seem like Steve was interrupting anything given how excited Tony seemed.

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