20| Quiet and Questions

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Turns out Tony really likes cheeseburgers. Like really likes them, because he ate his own so quickly, got sad, and then asked for Steves. Steve laughed but passed his over. How could someone say no to Stark?

Now he was leading him to wherever they were going. Oddly, he trusted Tony not to lead him to a cliff and then make them both drive off and die. Which was weird because there was exactly no reason to trust him. But he did.

"Turn right here," Tony pointed out while eating a chicken nugget. One thing Tony was sucky at was giving directions. Sure, they would most likely get him to the correct destination, but he was sucky at giving them. He would either forget or just somehow - even with his genius tendencies - be too late on telling him where to go. There were about two times already where Steve had to back up or U-turn.

Steve quickly made a sharp right turn which shoved them both forward. Stark glared at him as if that totally wasn't his fault.

"Stark, I swear to god you need to tell me when to turn earlier," Steve commented now while he continued to drive straight. He was grateful no one was behind him. If so he could crash or just annoy them. Steve hated to inconvenience someone.

"Just be better."

"At what? Reading your mind?" Tony laughed on his chicken nugget but still nodded. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile.

The car ride wasn't too long but long enough to take Steve into some unfamiliar territory. He wondered for a second if this was private property and if they would get in trouble if the two got caught. When he voiced his concern Tony just laughed and told him to live in the moment. The lack of answering the question slightly frightened Steve.

When they parked, they were in the middle of nowhere next to what seemed to be a river. Lake? Something like that. There mustn't be people for miles, what a perfect place for Tony to kill him and then dispose of the body in this body of water. Steve smiled amused at his own thought.

"Why are we here?" Steve asked and grabbed his large fries, following the smaller man out of the car. The air was filled with the freshness of the water, which was quite surprising. He expected it to smell like fish.

Tony smiled at him but didn't answer. Instead, he leads them towards the water.

"You know, if you brought me here to skinny dip, the water looks a little shallow." Tony laughed at that, an actual full-heartedly laugh. One Steve smiles every time he hears.  The whole head back, eyes closed, head slightly tilted to the side. Like always.

"Sadly, we're gonna have to save that for another time," Tony kept walking, and when he was meant by water, he turned and started walking again, following the shoreline.

"Can I at least know what this is called?" Steve asked as he continued to follow Tony. Tony kept walking, one foot in front of the other, and didn't turn to look at Steve.

"Malibu Creek,"  he answered. He kept looking into the water as if he was looking for something. What? Would some water monster pop up out of nowhere?

Steve didn't speak then and let Tony focus on whatever he was doing. Instead, he focused on keeping his eyes anywhere but Tonys ass. God, why did he have to have such a nice ass?

Then Tony turned and hopped. He hopped onto a rock that was in the creek, and then another, and then another, and so on. Steve crocked his head to the side as he watched.

"Hurry up, Quarterback." Steve hesitated and then started to follow, again, after Tony. They skipped between rocks until they were settled on a slightly bigger rock. It was one that was huge enough to fit maybe four people comfortably. It sat in the middle of the creek as well.

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