08| Nagging and Naive

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PE has almost everyone Steve knew in it. Not friends with, just knew. It also happened to be last hour.

"Just pass it!" Sam argued to which Bucky smiled at him. Steve was watching and "keeping score". But in reality he's been here long enough to know how the two play basketball. It always ended in a fight which he didn't want to be a part of. Now growing bored from the constant yelling he looked over at Natasha and her group.

She was leaning over Tonys shoulder to watch or look at something. He kept looking between her and the phone. When she finally finished reading or watching or whatever it was she hit Tonys shoulder to which he just laughed.

When he laughed he would lean his head back lightly, close his eyes, and tilt his head only a little bit. His teeth were pretty white, they looked almost professionally whitened. He was a little envious of them. They were perfectly straight aswell.

Steve remembered what he thought when he first bumped into the smaller boy. His first impression was that the man was singularly handsome; his second was how annoying and aggravating he was. But he had to admit he was still attractive, which is where his ego mostly comes from.

He snapped out of his gaze when Natasha waved him over. Steve blushed, wondering how long she knew he was staring. He hesitatingly walked over which got protest from Wilson, Steve just ignored it.

"Hey," he said and sat down besides Natasha. She quickly swung an arm around him as if it was a reflex.

"Excited for conditioning again today?" More sports talk, Tony thought. He pulled out his phone and looked though Instagram instead.

"Honestly, a little. I think I did pretty good yesterday."

"I heard. Me and James talked last night and he said you were doing good. I believe it," she said with a wink. Steve laughed slithery awkwardly. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the compliment it was just weird for him to receive. He opened his mouth to say something but got cut off.

"James and I," Tony corrected while still looking at his phone.

"Bucky and you what?" Steve asked and looked at the boy. He didn't bother to look up and get scrolling on what seemed to be twitter.

"No, I mean the correct way is James and I talked last night."

"You and James talked last night? Another escapade?" Natasha teased and slightly nudged Tonys shoulder. Even though she knew what he meant she couldn't pass up a good tease. Tony looked up now and glared at her.

"Don't try and seem all smart with "big" words after messing up simple grammar," Natasha just shrugged. Tony shook his head and brought his attention back down to his phone.

"So what do you think will happen? Maybe you'll get quarterback!" Natasha continued on with her home conversation. Steve could feel the slight dash of hope bubble up inside him. He really really loved to play quarterback, and would love to be it here. But it seemed like a long shot.

"I'll be glad to just make the team."

"If you don't make the team I will personally sue Coach Watson," Natasha said and picked at her nails. She had a habit at with picking at her nails. She never bite them, only picked at them with her fingers.

"How would you word that in court exactly?"

"Stark has lots of money. I'd just get a good lawyer with his cash and boom, case won," she said and stopped picking at her nails. They were a nice slick black and if she kept messing with them they'd chip.

"Okay hold up. One, my dads money. Not mine," Tony interrupted, "and two, money buys good lawyers not won cases."

"Yeah yeah, stop being such a smart ass, twink."

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