12| Lists and Lying

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The whole day without Tonys phone was torture. He kept reaching into his back pocket, expecting it to be there. But it wasn't, and for some reason that worried Tony.

He shouldn't be this worries about his phone, nothing was going to happen to it. It was just in the English classroom until the end of the day. That was totally fine. People survived their whole life without a phone, Tony could manage a few hours.

While Tony was worried about his phone, Steve was worried about something else. He was in PE watching Bucky and Sam play horse right now.

The football list still hasn't gone up yet. It was supposed to at lunch. What if last minute Couch Raven decided to cut some people, or replace some. What if Steve was part if that group?

No, calm down. Steve wouldn't worry about the 'what ifs'. He actually did really good at tryouts and conditioning, everything would be fine. Everything will fall into place just as it should.

"Are you sure you don't want to play?" Sam asked while Bucky took a shot about fifteen feet away from the net. It surprisingly made it in, which gave Bucky a big victory smile. He passed the ball over to Sam.

"Im good watching, good shot by the way," Steve replied and James smiled at him. Sam went to the spot Bucky was previously at and dribbled the ball. After bouncing it between his hand and the ground a few times, he held it up and made the throw. It bounced off the backboard onto the ground, missing. Sam groaned and Bucky pulled his fist in in victory.

"Yes! H-O-R-S for you!"

"Yeah, and H-O-R for you. I'm still ahead," Bucky stuck his tongue out at Sam.

Steve remembered the conversation between him and Natasha last week. About how the two were sleeping together. Nat said that they weren't, she just liked to tease them about it. Apparently Bucky had a crush on Sam freshman year. Sam holds that to his advantage in the mocking area. But they were just friends.

Steve averted his eyes away and searched the gymnasium for Natasha. He couldn't seem to find her at first, but then he did. She was standing with Clint and Bruce just outside the right side of the bleachers.

He reached up and tugged at some of his brown hair. Where was Stark? It wasn't that he was really interested and wanted to know his whereabouts, more like curious why he wasn't with his friend group. The four seemed pretty close, including Rhodey so five. Steve didn't really know Rhodey that well, but not like he was all buddy-buddy with Stark, Banner or Barton either.

He didn't even know if him and Bruce were friends. They sat by each other in second period and chatted sometimes. But did he have anything to do with Steves newly colored hair? Couldn't have been... but what if?

Either way it didn't matter. Steve turned his attention back to the 'intense' game. They were tied now.

Tony was walking back to the gym from the office. The school was half indoor campus and half out. There was different buildings; North Wing. South Wing, West Wing, East Wing, The Office, Auditorium , and a couple gyms. But you had to walk outside to each building. They ate lunch in the second gym and held PE in the other.

Tony was currently walking outside back to his last hour period. He was called up to the office about his phone which he now had back. But they did call home so the would be fun to get to after school.

Home life wasn't... ideal. Tony had his father Howard who wasn't a fan of his son. Mom, Maria, died in a car crash a few years ago.

He took it hard, but at least he had Justins shoulder to cry on. Justin... god! It's been six months, why cant he just get over him already!? It wasn't fair. Nothing was ever fair for him.

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