14| Heaven and Hell

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"Seriously?" Natasha asked with a glare directed at the shortest person in the room. There was no way to tell he just had a whiskey drink, especially at this time. That just aggravated her more. He was so used to it that he couldn't even feel one whole strong drink.

"What! Ken wanted to see my special drink," Steve looked at Tony. Why was he being brought into this? And why were they still calling him Ken!

"What? You were already making it so I asked-"

"You told him you'd specialty drink? I don't even know that!" Barton complained from across the room, totally changing the subject. Natasha rolled her eyes, mad that the conversation was steering away from where she wanted it. Tony looked at the dirty blond and gave him a look.

"Stop eating spray cheese from a can and I'll tell you."

"Hey! 1) it's "easy cheese", so call it as such. 2) for all you know Steve likes it too!" When were they gonna stop talking about him like he isn't right there?

"For the record, I don't." Steve butted in and Tony pointed at him. Wasn't looking at him, just pointed while staring at Clint.

"See?" He lowered his hand, "and that stuff is so bad for you. That's not even real cheese."

"Okay well, I don't care. It's good, convenient, and tastes like cheese!" Bruce and Tony rolled their eyes. There was nothing they can do at this point to get their friend to stop eating it. Tony never should've gotten it for Clint freshman year Christmas for a gag gift. And definitely never should've dared him to try it. But in his defense, he'd have no idea it'd turn into a crazy obsession.

There was a silence, again. Conversations seemed to not end in them. They were all almost used to them, besides Rogers of course.

He swayed a little on the couch, looking around Nat's house. It was cute with tan walls. There were a few photos on the photo wall that caught his eye. One was of Natasha, Bucky, and Sam. They looked almost the same age, maybe a little younger since Buckys hair was short.

They stood outside in a place Steve didn't recognize. Natasha was in the middle of the two boys with her arms around each of their shoulders. They all smiled at the camera, Sam the only one not using his teeth to smile.

There was another with Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, Rhodey, and some other girl with white hair he didn't know. She looked a little like Nat and looked older so he assumed her sister. Speaking of, was none of her family members home right now? Anyway, in the photo, they were all gathered around the jukebox at Bingos diner.

It was cute though, how she had those two photos framed in the living room instead of just in her room.

"Okay, well you got everything you need Nat?" Tony asked and stood up from the couch. Steve finally looked away from all the photographs and at Tony. Assuming Steve's his ride home he stood up as well.

Stark was being kind of rude again. Just wanting to leave now because it was what he wanted. Not thinking of anyone else.

But instead of Tony walking over to Steve, he walked Bruce instead.

"Can you give me a ride?" Tony asked. Steve rolled his eyes, here was Tony being selfish, again. He can't just invite himself to have someone give him a ride home. Which, by the way, was exactly what he did to Steve.

"No, I don't mind. I can give you a lift back to your house," Steve spoke up. He was trying to make it easier for Bruce.

Natasha raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened. She looked over at Tony as if his answer also affected her.

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