10| Fighting and First Times

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Monday morning Steve had to basically drag himself out of bed. After finishing the art project and then going onto his math homework packet, he didn't sleep until 1AM. He normally slept around ten; always trying to get a good nights sleep.

Why did people choose to sleep so late? It's like they are asking for a bad day.

After looming around for a while Steve finally decided he had to get a move on if he didn't want to be late. He turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. While he waited he checked Instagram.

There was a new post from Bruce which had him, Tony, and Clint in it. They were all outside a classroom, with Clint in the middle. Bruce was smiling at the camera, Clint was laughing and looking off the the side, Tony looked to be annoyed by his friends, but still had a smile on.

Steve set his phone down on the sink counter and stepped into the shower. It was a nice temperature, a little on the hotter side. It felt nice as it fell down his back. But he was in a rush so he didn't have much time to enjoy it.

Started with washing his body and face. Some stubble scratched against his face and he'd had to shave soon. He squirted some shampoo in his hands and massaged it into his head. Some time on YouTube he heard that to make your hair extra soft is to leave your shampoo and conditioner on for five minutes. He's been doing that since 8th grade.

While he waited to rinse out his hair his mind wondered. Was he enjoying Malibu more then Brooklyn? Wait a minute, Peggy. He hasn't thought of Peggy in what seems like days. She never texted him and vice versa. Were they just never going to talk again? That was the end of them and their friendship.

At his old school he didn't really have any real friends like he did here. He had his teammates and classmates so he'd hang out with at school and get the occasional text from, but they never did anything outside of school. Here he had Sam, Bucky, and Natasha and that was really all he needed.

That Maddie girl, he's been watching- paying more attention to her. She was always with a friend and her hair was always down. Sometimes in beautiful curls and sometimes straightened. Either way she was beautiful.

They talked once Wednesday and it was about the one thing he didn't want to talk about. Tony.

"You're the guy with the sand right?" She asked and walked up him. Steve was at his locker after lunch and her company shocked him.

"Um, kind of."

"Kind of?" She asked and leaned against the lockers. Her hair was in curls and her eyes were a piercing blue. Steve felt he could get lost in them if he stared at her for too long. She really was someone out of this world.

"It was my friends idea," he explained and she nodded her head as if she got him figured out. It sounded more like an excuse.

"Kind of messed up," so that's why Maddie was here. To lecture him, did she not know how rude Tony was? Surely if she did she would understand. He was even saying rude stuff about her the other day.

"But it's Tony," he explained. Does that count as an explanation?

"And you're Steve."

"You know my name?"

"Mhm," and with that, she just walked away. Left him at the lockers speechless.

Steve stepped back into the water and started to wash out the shampoo. With his eyes closed he tried his best to get it all out. His hair felt... spiky?

He opened his eyes and wanted to scream. The water was brown. Quickly he turned off the shower. Why was his water brown? Did he take a whole shower in dirty water? He wanted to vomit.

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