15| Birthdays and Betrayals

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Everyone was carrying their target bags and walking though the parking lot. No one could remember where they all parked the cars. Out of all eight of them, not one could recall.

"We probably parked farther away from the entrance?" Bruce suggested. The bags with the room decor was starting to get very heavy. And after a long day at school and now this, he just wanted to get into bed.

Bucky and Steve walked off on their own a while ago to find the cars. The other six were all together.

"Someone just use their car keys and unlock the door. Maybe we'll see the lights or hear it?" Bruce nodded at what Natasha said and pulled out his car keys. He pushes the button on the clicker and you could hear the beep faintly in the distance.

Tony sighed and walked towards the noise. Everyone followed shortly behind.

As they walked Natashas phone rang. "Hey what's up," She greeted once she accepted and held the phone to her ear. Bruce tried to tell himself he didn't care who she was talking to. But he couldn't help but listen just a little. "Yes, we found them too. Headed there now."

So it probably just Bucky or Steve. Bruce didn't need to worry about those two boys... right?

They reached the cars where the two football players were waiting. Steve looked up to find Tony looking at him and walking towards him.

"Hey. Thanks for paying for the gift," Steve said first before Tony could speak. Just in case Stark was here to start an argument or something, it was always good to start it off with a nice word. Except that's not what he was there for.

"Course, I basically didn't listen to what you wanted to get. Even though it was all bad, still." Steve laughed slightly and opened his trunk up. Tony stayed at his side. "Here, you just take them home and wrap it up."

"Uhh," at Steves house they didn't have any bags or wrapping paper besides some Christmas one. And that'd be weird to use that on someone's birthday in October.

"Oh. Well I can go back in and get some packagi-"

"No no. You already bought the present. I'll get the wrapping."

"I don't min-" Steve really wouldn't let Tony even put up an argument. Instead of speaking though he picked Tony up by his armpits making the shorter one yelp. Everyone watched as Steve placed Tony down gently into his trunk, Tonys legs hanging out and swinging.

"Stay." He said sternly and Tony couldn't tell if he was just joking around or really didn't want him to move. Either way Tony stayed put while he watched Steve walk back to the building.

Tony put the target bags he held before next to him in the trunk and pulled out his phone. Twitter was boring him and Instagram was all about Minecraft.

He's played the game a few times but wasn't obsessed with it like a lot of people. He wasn't bad, just got mad because he almost never could beat the stupid ender dragon.

When Steve emerged from the store he was holding a gift bag and some tissue paper. Tony hopped off the trunks edge where he was seated.

"You actually didn't move," Steve set the stuff he bought next to the other items.

"Captains orders," Tony teases, referring to how Steve is quarterback of the football team, making him captain.

"The Tony Stark following orders? Never would've thought." You could hear the amusement in Steve voice making the younger guy smile slightly. There was a silence following after as usual.

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