29| Hotels and Heterosexuals

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SURPRISE CHAPTER BITCHES. I just updated like six days ago and I'm updating again. Yay!

Steve kept glancing at Tony as they drove. Tony looked out of the widow while he tried to get his crying to calm down

When Steve had pulled up beside him, the first thing he noticed was the huge duffel bag in Tonys hands. That mustn't have been good, it was obvious by Tonys tone on the phone call that he wasn't just calling for a last-minute sleepover.

The second thing Steve noticed, was that Tony was crying. He was rounding the car to the passenger side when he saw. Tony tried to play it cool and looked down, hiding his tears. But it was too late. Steve had seen.

Quickly, he got out of the car. He told Tony to wait before getting in the passenger side. Tony stopped in his tracks.

"Turn around," Steve had asked more than stated with a gentle, calm voice, not wanting to scare away Tony. To show that he could be trusted. That Tony could be vulnerable around him.

The last thing Tony wanted right now was to turn around. To have Steve see how weak he is, to have Steve know what he did.

Contrary to popular belief, Tony was not a violent person. He never has gotten into a fist fight of any kind. The worst that had happened was a girl once slapped Tony, and occasionally James used to shove him into lockers or to the ground. But he never fought back.

After seeing how Howard would treat Carmel and him, the shitty person he was, he hated violence. Howard never hit Maria, he was too much of a good husband for that, but he was a terrible dad and a terrible person. He did still yell at her a lot, getting all in her face, which always scared Tony that one day he was going to snap, and abuse her as well.

That day never came, but it only got worse for Carmel and Tony when Maria was gone. Mostly him, Howard was too smart to hit Carmel too often to the point to raise suspicion or risk of her leaving. Sometimes Tony wished that she would just pack up and leave, for her own sake. Other times, he was grateful that she stayed for him. Then he felt guilty for being grateful she was still in this shit hole.

"Tony," Steve spoke up again when Tony didn't react. His voice just as calming as before. That voice that used to once fill him with anger, now eased him.

He slowly turned around in his tracks, not even bothering to try and wipe away his tears. If Steve wanted to see him right now, he could see all of him. See how fucked up of a person he was. How fucked up his life was. Notice that he wasn't worth the trouble, and Steve would leave him here at the side of the street, crying.

Except, Tony knew Steve. Tony trusted Steve. And he wasn't like that, he wouldn't just leave. It was about time that Tony was honest with Steve about himself and his life. Then, Steve could decide how to handle it.

"Oh, Tony," Once he took notice of how he was still crying, the tears flowing silently down, pure exhaust and sadness written all over Tonys face, Steve took a few steps toward him and engulfed him in a hug. Not shockingly, this made Tony just cry more, releasing all that he had been holding in.

He sobbed into Steves white shirt which resulted in it getting wet. Not even giving it a glance, Steve held Tony close to him and as tight as possible. This was the second time he's seen Tony cry, and it was as heartbreaking as the first. He wanted to be close to Tony, to be able to tell him it was all going to be okay, and be able to actually know and make sure that those words were more than just empty promises.

Tony didn't know how long they had both stood there. This moment oddly enough reminding him of when he cried in the rain after finding out about Bella and James, while Justin held an umbrella over him. He pushed those memories to the back of his head. None of those mattered anymore, but these ones... these ones mattered now. Meant something to him. Steve did.

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