17| Awkward and Always

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Shortest and probably boring-est chapter. Even though I said I'm making them shorter, I really didn't besides this chapter. The rest are long like I think you guys enjoy? Anyway- I hope this chapter will still entertain you at least a little.

The ride to Tonys house was extremely awkward. He didn't even reach for the aux cord to play some of his favorite music is. Instead Tony just leaned against the window and watched as the building zoomed past him. The houses slowly started to get a lot more familiar.

He wondered if his dad would still be up. It was past 2AM so he doubted it. Not like Howard ever stayed up to make sure his son was safe.

Tonys throat was still on fire and felt as if it was going kill him. Normally he likes the burn that came after these type of events. Normally.

Steve never asked for Tonys address, so he either remembered it or was just somehow driving in the right direction. The ride felt agonizingly long, surely they've been driving for at least an hour. He noticed how Steve kept stealing glances at him, Tony ignored it and continued to look out the window.

When Steve pulled up to the Stark residence Tony practically jumped out of the car.

"Wait!" Tony considered ignoring him. Just going into his house and pretending like this day never happened. Like everything was exactly how it was a week ago. But he didn't do that, instead he turned around to look at Rogers.

Honestly, Steve wasn't expecting him to actually wait. It shocked him so much he forgot what he was going to say. Steve cleared his throat.

"Uhh, are you okay?" It was a dumb question. Of course he wasn't okay, but Tony wouldn't admit that.


They looked at each other for a minute. Both not believing Tony's words. Steve considered asking Tony if he wanted to get out of here. They could go get food, try and cheer him up, but he decided against it. It was past 2AM and his parents were already going to kill him. Plus, he knew Tony would turn him down.

"I'm always here," Tony nodded, shallowing the lump that was forming in his throat, "do you have my number?"

"I don't," Tony replied and fingered the hole in his jeans. He didn't know if he even wanted Steve's number. After that embarrassing rejection in the basement, and it's not like they were really friends. They weren't not friends anymore though... It was fun with him earlier at Target. God, what even were they? Either way it didn't matter, Tony wasn't ever going to text him.

Steve reached his hand out, and Tony gave him his phone reluctantly. Steve typed on it for a little before handing it back to Stark, he slipped it into his back pocket.

"Okay." Silence again, as always. Tony waved goodbye awkwardly and headed up the large driveway. Steve waited until the boy was inside his house before driving away.

Well, that party was a lot. Steve hoped Maddie had a good time though, he kind of forgot about her. Was she hitting on him earlier? When Steve was getting Tony's medicine it seemed a tipsy Maddie was putting the moves on. That couldn't be, since she doesn't like boys. She was probably just too drunk and wanted to forget her thoughts, like Tony. Although she didn't seem drunk at all.

He'd have to text and apologize for brushing her off the whole second half of the night. He felt guilty for it, of course he did it's Steve. Inconvincing someone is like Steve's worst nightmare.

When Steve got into his house no lights were on and there was no sign of either of his parents being awake. They must've fallen asleep, which means he can lie about what time he got home tomorrow. Normally his parents waited for him to get home to make sure he was safe before going to bed. Except he knew he wouldn't lie to his parents like that, Steve hated to lie.

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