23| Halloween and Howard

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So sorry for the wait. I really have no excuses, especially since I'm out of school now. I guess I just lost motivation. But seeing people commenting and really enjoying the book made me wanna write more! I really love all of you guys. 

Don't forget to vote and comment!


Tony awoke the next Friday with a lump in his throat. He didn't know what caused it, but something did. It was October 30th, one day before Halloween, the day of the dance.

Homecoming. Dance. Party.

That's what it's from, Tony doesn't do well with parties. Example: Justin taking advantage of him, finding Bucky and Bella kissing, sleeping with Bucky. Shall he go on?

He got out of bed and started to get ready for school. Because it was almost Halloween they had a dress-up day.

The whole gang spent so long deciding on what they wanted to dress up as this Halloween. They surprisingly take it very seriously, and it was hard to come up with.

Clint's first suggestion was crayons - no one thought he was serious. He was.

Natasha said something about her and Tony being Cher and Dion from clueless. It took Tony a hesitant second to respond. Because yes, yes he wanted to. The outfit was so cute, but he didn't know how people would react to him wearing a skirt.

He replied with a simple "wtf no" to which Natasha sent back a sad face. He wished he said yes. Maybe another year if he grew enough courage to wear a skirt out in public.

Tony said the basic angel and devil, some said yes and some said no. (Actually, only Bruce said no, for some reason he didn't want to be an angel. It's so totally him though.)

Finally, they settled on half cops and half prisoners. Tony and Clint were in prisoner suits while Rhodey, Natasha, and Bruce were all dressed up as cops. They invited Sam and Bucky and Steve to dress up with them as well. Bucky replied with an "aww a group costume!! How cute!!! yeah, no thanks." Tony sent back a middle finger emoji.

Tony slipped on his one-size too-small orange jumpsuit. It was a size too small because the suit was baggy, and although that made it cute, Tony needed to make sure that his ass still looked good. After putting in his contact lenses he made a mental note to himself to buy more.

Heading downstairs he plucked an apple from the fruit basket and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. He sat at the island and bit into his apple.

Carmel wasn't here yet, must still be at her boyfriend's house. She started spending more and more time there. Tony hoped to himself that she wouldn't quit. He doesn't know what he would do without her. Carmel is the only one who actually cares for him. Tony tried to swallow down the lump before it grew bigger but it was still there.

The sound of dress shoes clanking on the floor snapped Tony out of his mind. Crap, what was Howard still doing here? He's usually way gone by the time that Tony even wakes up for school.

His dad walked through the archway of an entrance to the kitchen. He eyes Tony's apple for a second before opening the fridge. What was the judging? It's not like he ever cared about Tony eating full meals anyway.

"Good morning," Tony said, trying his best to make it so it wasn't awkward. He knew if they didn't talk then it would've been very awkward. He also knew that Howard would not start the conversation nor say the first word. That was a thing he did, he thought he was too cool to ever say the first thing.

His dad didn't even spare a glance at Tony. Instead, he nodded at the coffee machine.

"Mornin'," he muttered back and grabbed the already made coffee. Tony didn't make that pot so it must've been a day old. His suspensions were answered when Howard's face scrunches up, "bleh! Disgusting, Anthony why didn't you make a new pot?"

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