2 1/2: Inside the Mind of a Meduim

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Edwards POV

Aro was curious, that was the only reason Carlisle was able to convince him. He wanted to see  Zafrina's power, he'd understood its premise from Edward's own memories. But the opportunity to witness it was something he could not pass by. They'd heard the human coming for a while and had resolved to let Zafrina shield her vision of the vampires. She'd pass by harmlessly and be retrieved later by Carlisle. He'd inform her she was trespassing and she'd be escorted off the property. But that wasn't a concern now.

That was the plan.

She was looking for her parents. Apparently, they tend to go on spontaneous romantic outings in strange places. She'd assumed they went out in the woods this time. She'd gotten the Cullen's home confused with her parents. Their closest neighbors are acres away so it's strange she got the houses mixed up.

She was yelling, complaining about the cold and how tired she was. None of it was malicious. Edward could tell that she was used to her parents antics. Though, that wasn't what this was. It was frustrating, however, Alice had just entered with the hybrid man from South America. The Volturi were doubting. Aro knew he would lose everything in the fight he wanted. They were going to leave.

Her face was concealed well in her large hood, she had her jacket zipped up over her nose so her yelling was muffled a bit. Sure enough, she stepped through the clearing completely unaware of any presence. She stopped, looking at the footprints. And contemplated whether she had been pranked. Those who were staring and had not yet witnessed Zafrina's abilities were impressed. Some who had seen her capabilities were still impressed. Sometimes it's difficult to pick out minds in a crowd. They all mull together when they aren't busy overloading Edward's senses. He was calm enough to let them mull. Aro was impressed, Caius was undecided but still very angry, and Marcus couldn't bring himself to look at the girl. Deep in his old memories as usual. And sad, bitterly sad. Edward didn't like staying in his head too long. He knew Jasper could barely stand being so close to Marcus now. If the group hadn't threatened to take his other half, he'd probably take some strain off of Marcus for pity's sake. But Jasper is...petty.

Suddenly there was an intense silence. Within it the girl's heartbeat quickened, her breath hitched, and her eyes darted around wildly. She stumbled in her steps backward like a frightened animal. This girl was petrified. But, she still couldn't see them. Zafrina was keeping them hidden she shouldn't-

But she was seeing things, gathered around Jasper. So many...things. She didn't call them anything in her thoughts. It was all alarm bells and fear and sadness and desperate pleading that they wouldn't notice her. They did though. Everything became clear when they finally noticed her. Spirits, people Jasper knew. All in dated clothes with eyes of blood red...

The newborns. The ones he'd killed during the wars down south. She didn't know that, she just saw these spirits gathered round nothing. And now they clamored to her. But she didn't move from them even though the sight was disturbing. What emerged from within that pile of restless souls was terrifying. She only saw it for a second, they spoke, and she screamed. Then ran for the house. It was quiet after she left. She was panicking and soon would be too loud for Edward to ignore. But she had to be well for just a while longer.

"She was taking her time. If you'd meant to put her into cardiac arrest we could've killed her and been done. Waste of time." Caius sneered. They all thought Zafrina made her see something frightening. For a second Edward thought the same. But she hadn't, in fact, she was confused.

"A bear, she saw a bear." Edward blurted, rather abruptly. "That was a good idea Zafrina, thank you." Her eyebrows furrowed but she nodded curtly trusting that Edward had his reasons. Edward turned to the Volturi holding his wife by her waist in what could be seen as a protective stance. Maybe loving. But he was the one needing comfort. He'd never seen a poltergeist before.

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