42: Fight fire with salt, and a spectral fist.

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Bones once again were ravaged by fire and the beast grew weaker with a smoking cry. Angel took notice of that and bashed its' head repeatedly against the barrier of black salt. She ignored the burning at her hands as she worked to protect the one she had abandoned for so long. She shouldn't have been so careless to be captured that easily. She should never have led Taylor here in the first place. What worried her further was Caius pouring the last of the black salt in the circle around the two as Taylor read from her small booklet. His eyes were red, his face angered at the fact that he did not know what was going on. Taylor simply attracted danger, Angel had her hands full.

She should've never led her here. 

She should've never led her here. 

Gods, she should've kept Taylor safe. But she didn't, she led her to danger. Then abandoned her to it. How reckless, how stupid. How pitifully, desperately, selfish. 

Taylor spoke in a clear voice not to the bones ,though she was facing them, but to the grate. Through it in the beast's weakening state spirits flowed one by one to move on to their beyonds. Not all here were ready, which is why Taylor needed to expel them. But many were too gone to be brought back in time to move on properly. And there were so many spirits. As she said her words more spirits flowed freely until there was a steady stream. The beast grew smaller as they left and flung itself upon their smaller black salt barrier. Caius jumped taking a step back as it clawed against an invisible wall. It was terrifying to behold. But its agonized screams? The screeching wails of a beast burning alive in this very courtroom, sounds which had not echoed against these alabaster walls in far too long? Pain, raw unfiltered pain. Delightful. Caius could not hold back a smirk. It remained on his face as he grew arrogant in his perceived safety, and the beast snapped in further rage.

All at once, what was once Tomás was ripped away by Angel. She grabbed hold of what it could call arms and spun it about, flinging it against the wall once more. This time it was a bit more prepared and able to hurt Angel in return. This was no ordinary poltergeist. It lifted Angel into the air, holding her in its flames. Angel gritted her teeth, suppressing a distracting cry as she felt pain. Physical pain. Something she had not felt in quite some time, then pushed the thing off. The two flew across the room and almost in unison rose to come together once more. Colliding in a twisting beautiful inferno. Burst like a storm of fire. Angel pushed off, barely dodging the thing's claws, and posed for another strike.

Remo didn't understand what was happening fully. Taylor didn't look okay, that woman from the garden never fought like that before. That beast, wasn't a beast, it was a slug. Or a man. Remo wasn't sure. It had never bothered Remo before but when it did it hurt...almost. Not hurt, just pressure. Like being gently squeezed for too long. Almost tingly as he was consumed by the slug. He couldn't leave before but after being trapped by the slug Remo was sure if he had tried in the garden he might've had a better chance.

"Remo my boy, let's retreat to the garden. It is no good here." Maurice tried guiding the boy out but Remo stood still. He looked to Taylor as she read her hymns.

Remo didn't know what was happening but he knew he didn't want to leave. But he did, just not Maurice's way. His way wasn't the way.

"Alright, alright Remo we can go somewhere else. But anywhere is better than this room. Do you hear me? We need to leave." Remo pointed at Taylor, then turned his head to Maurice.

Remo wanted to go where Taylor was sending them. Now that he finally could.

"They are being expelled, you do not truly know where they are going."

The boy didn't need to be expelled. He would leave of his own volition. And in his heart, he knew where he would go. If Remo concentrated enough he could see a long tunnel. Scary and dark,  with a shining beacon at its' end. That was where Remo needed to go. And if he went now he would not be traversing that long tunnel alone. So many were moving on then, whether of their own volition or not. Maurice could go with him as well, being here was no good at all.

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