20: Library Ghosts

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Taylor inhaled deeply, taking in cocoa's sweetened aroma. She didn't ask for the drink, she didn't ask for the blanket either, and certainly not for the confused glances of the crew as they worked around her. She really wasn't one for sweets. After telling Darnell of what took place inside the room as well as her mother after she arrived, Taylor was bombarded with a strange sort of affection. The first was from Santigo, who had followed her out of the hall, after she told her story he had led her to a cleared floral sofa. He had wanted to guide her with his hand, reaching for her forearm to do so, but retracted when she flinched away. He then offered her a blanket which she refused, in response, he set it next to her neatly folded 'just in case'.

Next came Heidi with the hot beverage. It had been suffocated with large marshmallows but those had long melted. Taylor had wanted to refuse this as well but was told that it was an awfully long way back to the kitchen. When she asked why Heidi had gotten her the drink the woman hesitated before saying Santigo had texted her saying Taylor was cold. Taylor didn't know what to make of it all. This experience wasn't nearly as bad as others she had to endure in the past. The thing hadn't even attacked her but she was being treated like a person in shock, which confused everyone else around her as well. Particularly her mother, because while Darnell was perfectly fine with Taylor receiving all the care in the world, Agatha knew it was most likely making Taylor uncomfortable. She had wanted to sit by her daughter longer after Taylor had retold the happenings of the room to her, but she was pulled away by a busy person with a clipboard. Heidi reappeared soon after Agatha left, strangely enough, with a knitted hat. Taylor was over it.

"I'm good Heidi." She tried reassuring the beautiful woman, who pouted while taking a seat next to her.

"The head is the most important part of the human body you know. You must keep it warm."

"Wha-what exactly gave you both the idea that I was cold? I'm fine, it's all good. If anything this cocoa really did the trick, I was um...thirsty." She took another sip. It was a rich hot chocolate, and the melted marshmallows did not help that fact. She swallowed hard, the more she drank this thing the more it actually seemed to dry her throat. What she wouldn't give for just a bottle of water. Heidi smiled wide, which made Taylor internally flinch. She really wished these people would show less teeth.

"Good, is there anything else you need ma'am?" Taylor choked on her drink.

"'Ma'am-?' Girl..." Taylor laughed after her coughing fit, wiping the cocoa off her mouth with her sleeve. "I'm not ready to be called Ma'am yet, or like, did you want to be called ma'am or miss or something? Is it to casual of me to be using your first name?" Her eyes grew wide, and Heidi put up her hands.

"No, not at all. You may use my name."

"Okay, then use mine too. It's Taylor if you forgot, I won't hold that against ya."

"I didn't forget your name Taylor." Heidi reassured her with a giggle, she placed her fingertips upon Taylor's shoulder as she laughed for a moment. Then withdrew her hand. "Are you done with your drink?"

"Oh." Taylor looked down, there were only a few swallows left. She shrugged. "Yeah, thanks though." The woman took Taylor's cup and stood.

"You're very welcome." She bowed her head slightly before heading off. Taylor furrowed her brows and shook her head. Bewildered at the onslaught of care. She stood up noting Santigo's look from across the room. But what was he gonna do? Her legs weren't broken, she could stand just fine. She crossed the room and left it, following where her mother had been swept off to.

"Hey Francis, you know where Ma is?" She stopped the tech as he tried to shuffle past.

"Yeah, uh, she's-sh-just-come let me show you." He turned on his heel beckoning Taylor to follow. "The recordings you gave me, they are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful!"

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