20 1/2: Outside Perspectives

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2am, Volterra Castle Gardens 

"I don't know Aggie." Darnell glanced about him warily, pulling his transparent orange hood further forward to shield his face from the rain. "I'm not sure how I feel bout not meeting him yet, if it's going to be as serious as you say." Agatha continued adjusting her camera settings, she also wore a rain poncho but Darnell still held a black umbrella over her person. He assured her earlier that he didn't need it, and Agatha was the one with the equipment anyhow right then. She didn't look up.

"I've met him." She looked through the camera's peeper. "Seems nice enough."

"Yeah well, I can't always rely on your judgments alone." Agatha paused, and turned to Darnell with a raised brow. He smirked. "Not that they aren't usually right." She rolled her eyes. "She's a bit listless right now is all or at the very least she was when we last talked. I just want to meet the guy, see for myself if she's thinking clearly or ignoring red flags in favor of not being lonely. That might be me projecting though, did a lot of that in high school myself before I met ya Aggie. I dunno, I worry, that's my job...been putting herself more into work though I noticed. Kinda enjoying herself even I think." 

"The last of something will do that to ya." Agatha grunted as she stood upright finally. The two began walking to their site, Darnell still holding the umbrella above Agatha. "Don't see the joy in something till it's ending a lot of times, to Taytay this was just another part of her growing up. We know better now, we should've known better then...should've kept her away from it a bit more I think." 

"Darlin'..." Darnell placed a long kiss on top of Agatha's crown over her hood, free hand cradling her head. When he released Agatha took the hand instead and held it gently in her two. "We gotta focus on the now for now. Taylor's grown into a capable woman, she knows we did what we could, she knows. We tried for years to get something to repress her sight, there ain't nothing out there. So we walked her through it best we can...you specifically did so much Aggie." 


"You did. All I got was a hand for her to hold when the monsters woke her up at night, you fought those fuckers. Sent them packing when they pestered our daughter, when they got in the way of her being a kid. There's only so much we can do, there's no children's books discussing the paranormal." Darnell grabbed the camera which Agatha had switched to fiddling with while he spoke. "What's the matter Aggie? Ever since Tay got rid of that entity in Forks you've been bothered by somethin'. Talk to me. Ain't no one else around right now." 

"I feel, like we still don't have privacy." Agatha whispered. 

"We have bout as much as we're gonna get, right? You've been feeling that way all week." Agatha nodded, she sighed.

"I just feel, Darnell, I feel like Taylor's gonna move out soon..spread her wings finally. I feel like, there's a chance that we might not be part of that. A lot of things are gonna change and I sorta wish we didn't come here at all." Agatha wiped away the tears before they could fall, her husband listened and waited patiently for her to continue. She took a deep breath to calm herself so she could speak clearly. "It's selfish though, cuz she's gonna be okay...more than okay. She's gonna be happy...most likely. And this place is so dangerous, the dead here are so dangerous, but we'll be okay. The people under our employ will be okay. I'm just-, it's not certain yet whether or not Taylor will be coming home with us...she likes it here...I'm just gonna miss her if she stays..." Agatha held strong.


"I just want her to know she can come home." Agatha's voice cracked. "She can always come home."

Agatha broke then and freely sobbed into Darnell's chest as he rubbed her back in comfort. He still held the umbrella despite his need to wrap both arms around his distraught wife. Waking up sick the next day wouldn't help her mood. Her feelings didn't always make sense to him, usually, he'd ask for more clarification. But since the plane landed Agatha had been holding a lot close to her chest with a sort of paranoia that something was always listening in. He didn't pry, not even with this. As usual, all he could do was offer comfort, he was only a man. One without an ability like his girls had, without the ability to truly understand it all. But he would try until his dying breath to be there when the other side became too much for them to bare. 

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