28 1/2: Spiders in the Garden

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Agatha had finally convinced Darnell to take make a doctor's appointment, he was worried about being in a new country and whether or not it would take their insurance. Agatha made it clear, he was either going to the doctor or eating some homemade chicken noodle soup. Agatha was a decent enough cook, sure, but it was Darla Acuso who offered to make the soup. She was the sternest, most caring, and blandest person either of the Johnsons had ever met. She was a colleague turned old family friend, was even invited to Taylor's graduation. The producer had been an integral part of both the television show and the Johnson's lives for a very long time. And thus was familiar enough to offer her tried and true chicken 'elixir' of sickness curing miracle soup. The thought of boiled chicken and white rice did enough to convince Darnell that a doctor's visit wouldn't hurt, at least it would hurt less than choking down an unseasoned, well-meaning, meal. 

Agatha wanted to go with her husband, but Darnell insisted she go to set. He didn't wish to be the reason Aggie missed even a moment of their last production. So instead of waiting patiently for the doctor to assess her husband in some waiting room, she wandered the gardens replaying Remo's recordings for note taking. It didn't take long for the recording to end, along with Agatha's want to do anymore work. She loved her job, it was her and her husband's lifes work. There was also a good reason that this was their last show, Agatha was burnt out. Very much ready to settle down, finally. 

She put her headphones around her neck, and groaned as she sat down for the first time all day. At the edge of a fountain, she found a moment of solace. Closing her eyes to better listen to flowing water and soft noises of the town beyond the garden wall. A smile just as soft graced her features as she allowed herself to be fully present in the present. Her future feelings were not always deliberate, she could focus on certain aspects or people if she wished, but trying to know a constantly changing future was foolish. It was also draining. Raising a child was difficult when Agatha was constantly bombarded with feelings of things going wrong. Of her little bumble bee getting hurt. This led to spontaneity being encouraged in the household for a time, until an eight-year-old Taylor broke her arm trying to climb a broken down radio tower. It was less encouraged after that. 

Aggie never ignored her feelings. Even as a child when her strict Catholic mother would push against Agatha's gift. Her mother claimed it was nothing, that she was not mentally well. This was until Agatha correctly predicted the death of their family pet, not only the date but the make and model of the car that hit poor Trigger. She was more believed then. But Darnell was the first to take her gift as she said it, he fully believed her from the start. It helped a bit that they had met while ghost hunting perhaps, he claimed that there were stranger things out there than a beautiful psychic. It was less alarming to Agatha when other people believed her gift, than it was for her daughter. Aggie was simply happy to be believed after a childhood of everyone around her doubting. 

When she opened her eyes, pausing her reminiscing, she jumped slightly. 

"Oh, hello there." She laughed at her fright. "I'm sorry dear, you spooked me. I was miles away." 

The stranger did not speak, simply smiled a childlike smile. She was small, with pale brown almost blonde hair cut short at the chin. It was her slight feminine features that gave way that she was a girl, otherwise she was rather androgynous. Dressed in a black robe, mischievous smile, and bright red eyes. It was unnerving to see such an unnatural color, but Agatha had seen much scarier than a child with colored contacts. Agatha closed her small laptop and set it aside. 

"I'm Agatha Johnson, what's your name dear?" The girl narrowed her eyes at Agatha, as if assessing something. "Can you understand me?" The girl nodded. "Are your parents around?" The girl laughed and shook her head. 

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