33:Subelty is not his strong suit

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A rush of adrenaline like that made it easy for Taylor to open her eyes. Her hands instantly reached for her throat, curling around it in a protective stance as she lay in an uncomfortable bed. Her vision was blurred as she attempted to calm herself. Slowly, as she shut her eyes once more, her breathing evened out. In and out, in and out. She loosened the grip on her throat taking in its' attachment to the rest of her body. Yet still even as she assured herself through touch that she was in one piece the memory of another's memory caused itching tingles to erupt beneath her skin where she could not scratch. She fought the urge to. The sounds she heard echoed in her ears and only grew to a crescendo as she kept her eyes closed. Tearing, breaking, cheeky laughter, and a pain dulled to an irritating itch. She did not miss these nightly spiritual intrusions, not one bit

If only she had her Angel.

Again she opened her eyes, but not as forced as before. She simply let them drift open on their own as her mind decided it was indeed time for her to awaken. Yet, as she assumed to be waking up she noticed how different her surroundings were. And how all too familiar.

"That's all for now folks, come again next week for the Home and Garden show. Airing every Monday at 8:00 am on. The. Dot. Only on 104.5 B.D.G., Big Dog radio. As our program draws to a close we here at Big Dog would like to take a moment of silence for the brave men and women of our U.S. military, as well as the first responders, who are no longer with us. To those with us in celebrations, and those we honor with our silence today, thank you for your service...And may God bless you..." 

Taylor clicked the radio off as the moment of silence started, sitting on the edge of her bed to do so. The radio in question was an older-looking alarm clock, it was boxy with the time lit a dim green on its' small face. It could also pay tapes as well as the radio and had a small pile of read-along cassettes as well as one very worn out tape of Boys II Men that Taylor's father didn't yet know she borrowed. He would find out later when she tried rewinding the tape only to go too far and snap it. On his birthday Agatha would help her find a CD of the same name to 'finally bring Darnell onto the 21st century'. It was a good memory now though because Taylor had only just woken after a night of listening to the tape as quietly as she possibly could until her father got home late at night. It was the next day, and in the memory, Agatha should be coming up to wake Taylor up to bring her to set as she asked. But Agatha never appeared. 

The bed Taylor stood from wasn't really a bed, but an unfolded couch in what could be considered the living room of the R.V. Underneath the pink sheets and Disney comforter was an ugly floral pattern that would make any tacky old woman swoon. Her 'bed' was a mess now, as she straightened her back and crossed the width of the cabin she sat at the wobbly dining table with a huff. The place still smelled sorta musty, but the air freshener next to her head attempted to hide that under a coating of cinnamon apple. She sighed, tapping her fingers on the table, irritated that she hadn't actually woken up yet. 

"Care to explain what that was all about?" She attempted to keep calm. She did not do a good job. Turning her head she finally faced across the table to a specter with its' head floating inches above its body. On his face was a smirk, Maurice shrugged his shoulders.

"I hope you don't mind me digging around a bit, I thought what I have to tell you would go over better in a more comfortable setting." He looked around a bit. "Not my style but, it is rather comfortable isn't it? Almost shabby."

"I didn't give you permission to enter my head-"

"I don't really think I need it, your Angel didn't need it. After she was gone your head was fairly easy to intrude though. I could go of course, but I assure you there are dead much less pleasant than I waiting to show you unpleasant things equal to themselves, and thoroughly more than what I have to tell you. You are used to death by now? Right? My truth should be easy enough to stomach. Hopefully." 

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