30: House of the Sick

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The panic of night transitioned to day at an agonizingly slow pace. Taylor found herself dozing against Marcus unintentionally as they sat in the hospital waiting room. Agatha could not find it in her to be tired. As the first few rays of morning illuminated the Tuscan horizon Agatha found a morbid joy in the beautiful colors that came with a doctor's assurance that her husband would live to see another day. As long as he was medically assisted. Agatha could not yet see him, but soon she would be able to do so. And she clung to what little comfort that could provide in her mental isolation.

Darnell had high sugar, prediabetes that he was being rather loose in caring for. His diet had not changed much since the diagnosis, only what Agatha could monitor was changed. The doctors offered this for reasoning as to why Darnell's face and speech suddenly went slack as they arrived home from dining with their patrons. A diabetic stroke, induced by a combination of poor diet and high stress from the production. Agatha thought it was malarkey but she also had nothing to offer as an alternative to the state of his condition. He was barely prediabetic, not even on medication for it. And his cold was suspicious as well. Not something necessarily going hand-in-hand with what may induce a stroke. Her husband lays just down the hall, alone, coughing his lungs out. And they tell her it's only a stroke what did him in.

Agatha shook her head. Understanding that her irritation should not be directed at the hospital staff who are only working their best to get her Suga Bear well again. She also knew there was nothing in particular to focus her emotions towards. So she sat silently, head in hand, glancing towards her dozing daughter from time to time. Taylor leaned against Marcus' shoulder in a restless slumber. Her bracelet was off, no one had gathered it from the street yet. Being in a hospital was no good for a girl who can see the dead. Agatha hoped the dreams she was having were induced by a worry for her father, and not by the spirits pushing past her guardian to communicate.

"Thank you." Agatha nearly startled at the sound of her own voice. She had been quiet for so long. Marcus turned his watchful eye from Taylor to Agatha who forced a smile to show her gratitude. "I am not fully present to comfort my daughter when she wakes. I appreciate your remaining for her sake." Marcus cautiously held up a hand so as to not move Taylor.

"No thanks are necessary. I am not only here for her comfort." Agatha nodded, turning to face down the hall once more. Unable to fully accept that Marcus came because he cared for her and Darnell as well. She was too distracted to accept it.

"Thanks are given, despite necessities." She winced at her tone, then corrected it. "I'm sorry...it's been a very long night. And will be a very long day I'm guessing."

"I would not pressure you to do a thing Agatha but I suggest you rest after your visitation with Darnell." Aggie turned to Marcus. "You are exhausted, it is obvious." A bitter laugh from a tired woman.

"If they ever let me back there I'll sleep in the room with him." It was quiet for only a moment as Agatha gathered the nerve to speak again. "Marcus." He was already paying attention but sat a bit straighter at his name. "You should know I am...how do I put this? I have 'feelings', things I use to interpret things yet come to pass. Such as what the weather will be like tomorrow, or how a relationship will fare." She looked towards him in assurance. "I do not expect you to believe the ramblings of an old woman you barely know. I simply know you will make my Taytay happy, and she will make you happy in return. All I ask..." She thought a moment, scratching her neck before just going for it. "All I ask is that Darnell and I are allowed to be a part of your happy lives. For at least as long as we remain, because I know her leaving us is very likely though I do not know why. Nor do I wish to know why as I feel it is not my business. Taylor's last visit with her father should not be in such conditions, she should not be left with this as her last memory to dwell upon."

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