4: Travel Plans

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She was back in Greece.

It was empty, not very often that it was empty. Not even her brother was here. And it was dark. This wasn't a memory she enjoyed, not her memory at all. She arose with a newly lit candle to walk her bare feet across her cold stone floor. Even though it was dark she relished it being so. She walked outside where it was empty as well. And there was snow falling softly to the warmer earth, melting before it could gather. Above her clouds covered almost all but the moon, not quite full but large and bright. A few stars shone through the breaks between soft clouds, blinking in and out of light.

She kept walking.

Her feet were sore, cold and sore. She was happy for that. The valley was quite far away but there were no horses so she flew. As real as it was, it was still a dream. Above the clouds was incredibly bright. Hard to breathe as well. It was amazing. She swore she could see the stars' reflection on her skin when she outstretched her arms. Almost missed the valley, it was so dark and the clouds covered so much. But they broke for the moon allowing her to see everything below. The woman had to push through the clouds for she was not as important as their moon.

The grass was still soft even though it was cold. The water still ran smoothly over rock and mud singing a soft night lullaby. She could see the water and through the light of the moon, a reflection within it.

It was strange for Taylor to now be looking up at the woman who did not remember her own face. Taylor was the reflection in the water, obviously, the spirit wanted to speak directly to her. She must be very old if she was able to do that, and possessed more memory than normal.

"Hello." Taylor started.

"How are you here?" The woman asked.

"You called me here, you reached out to me. Otherwise, I would not come of my own volition."

"I'm not happy here, I don't think. I'm content which isn't good enough. I don't even know where here is." Taylor sighed.

"You're in-between memory and the mortal plane. Your own memories. It's strange, usually the memories I'm brought into aren't so...serene." That was true. The dead make a habit of underestimating the care of the living. So when they project their own memories into the consciousness of one who can see them they push too hard. Some show their death or some traumatic past to try to get the point across that they need to move on. Taylor did not appreciate those dreams.

"I was happy in life I think. I haven't felt life for such a long time. But this isn't all I remember...I need something more."

"Do you know what that is?"

"No." That's, strange.

"Okay...I can't help if you don't know what you're asking." The spirit shook her head.

"I know what I'm asking. It's here, something is here I'm sure. I feel so nostalgic here. But I can't dig it up because this place isn't real." Oh no. Dear Jesus.

"Are you asking me...to drop everything and go to Greece? To dig for something that might be here so you might remember what it is you forgot?" The spirit nodded. That's typical. But damned if Taylor wasn't confused about one thing yet. "You're-, you died in Greece. You're from Greece. How the hell did you make it to me?? I was in Minnesota dude. That's across the ocean and shit."

"I don't know. I don't even know my own face how-" the spirit paused a moment. "You said I pulled you here, but I don't think that's true. Wherever I was before, I was happier."

"Sorry." It was quiet then. Very quiet, like someone had forgotten to add in the background noise of the outdoors. The woman was thinking very hard, trying to remember what she forgot without the help of this human who obviously didn't want a thing to do with her.

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