8: It Feeds on Hate

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Jasper was fetally on the ground. Legs scrunched against his chest, hands on his head. He was having a breakdown, as Patty went forth with the want to comfort him Taylor held her back. Someone like this didn't need Patty unwittingly making it worse. It was strange to Taylor, that Patty had not noticed the thing gripped around Jasper. It constricted his body like some fucked up fleshy snake. It was stretched and wretched, and just as nasty as Taylor remembered it. It was big enough to hurt now. At the edges of the room stood the soldiers who wanted their commander dead. Those who did not had been forced out. Moved on without choice by the hate of these spirits and the knowledge that they could no longer protect their general. It saddened them and they hoped their General would join them in paradise soon.

Taylor stepped up, keeping Patty behind her. The thing had not noticed her at first, but its writhing paused with her movement. Slowly its gaze met hers. And though she was not unaffected she refused to show her fear as she did last time. But it remembered last time with a crooked smile.

"Seeeeeee~?" It hissed, gripping Jasper tighter. "Seeeee~ what I can do?"

"So you speak now." Taylor deadpanned. Patty looked to her for a moment, pale.

"Hehehehe...yes dear...of course..." Its voice sounded wrong, it was wrong. "In just a moment I can embrace you toooo~."

"You can't." Its face (if you could call it that) contorted. "I don't give you permission. But he did, didn't he."

It didn't like that.

With a garbled cry, it flung a vase in Taylor's direction. Crystal scattered across wooden floors as it collided with the wall behind Taylor and Patty. Patty shivered. She crossed the room away from Taylor who had obviously got the things attention.

"You're not powerful enough to attach to me. You're getting close, but you can't right now. Even now you grow weaker as you fulfill your duty to your emotional creators." It squeezed again causing Jasper to cry out. It wasn't a physical pain, the poltergeist was causing extreme emotional distress. Hoping Jasper would do the work for it. It couldn't possibly physically squeeze Jasper and throw the vase. Wasn't even that good of a toss. "You think you can survive off this family's misery after the boy passes? Because these spirits are here for one thing, after that's done they will leave you-"

"Hell will be a mercy to my torture for you whore." It spat. Taylor sighed.

"It's no use reasoning with a thing literally made up from emotions." She didn't take eyes off the poltergeist as she addressed its source of energy instead. The angry spirits about the room were enjoying this immensely. "This man isn't your general! He isn't the one you hate!"

Lies. The spirits knew she didn't know what she was talking about.

"He's a different man! What his past has done to wrong you means nothing when in response you torture an innocent man!"

She doesn't know. He is the same man.

"He is not the same man!" Taylor declared.

She doesn't know.

"Uhg." Taylor sighed, she would need a different tactic. "Why should he still torture you after death?"

Torture them? They were torturing him!

"No, you are bound to this plane by hate and will be bound to this plane by that which was manifested by your hate if you are not careful." The poltergeist knew what Taylor said earlier was true, so she knew it would keep Jasper alive enough to keep the spirits chained here. Until it grew strong enough to keep them there itself. "You have served your time on this plane, let yourselves rest. This man's spirit will find its due in time. Perhaps it already has, the civil war was a very long time ago. You are not his keeper. It is not your duty to punish, it is your duty to move on."

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