18: Dinner with a Dead Man

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"So, when you said your parents travel about doing odd jobs. What you meant, is that they have an odd job."

"Yeah, I guess so." Taylor paused, tearing a chunk of starter bread to eat. The restaurant Marcus had chosen seemed expensive, and it seemed he insisted on paying. So Taylor ordered light. Just a bowl of minestrone and water, it would be more than enough to fill her up. Though, if Marcus had agreed to go swiss with the bill she would've likely ordered more. Especially since he didn't seem to want to order anything. "I know it's a little weird. And, usually, I wait until I see someone a few times to drop that bomb on them. You know, so they can get to know me before getting... um,... weirded out." 

"You planned on seeing me more then?" Marcus spoke in a teasing manner, but Taylor caught the hope in his voice. She was starting to catch onto the littlest things. She smirked, popping the minestrone soaked bread tear into her mouth.

"The plan was to make you fall madly in love with me, so yeah. I'm in Italy for a while yet so we got time." She swallowed. "If that's alright with you." 

"Oh. It seems our goals align then." 

"You think you're so smooth." Marcus cocked a brow. 

"Am I?" Taylor shrugged, crossing her legs and pushing her empty bowl to the side for the waitress. 

"You're alright." She leaned forward. "But I'm better. Take that as you will." Marcus chuckled. Normally after a meal Taylor would be quick to leave but she had only just gotten the conversation rolling. During the meal they had spoken about the weather, about her time in Italy so far. It was all just pleasant niceties. Hopefully, no one had reserved the table.

"I'll keep that in mind..." Marcus sat forward, giving full attention to the woman before him. Ignoring the blatant flirtations of the waitress as she gathered Taylor's dishes. She thought to do so in Italian so that Taylor, who very obviously only spoke English, would not understand. But you didn't have to be a native-born Italian speaker to understand what was happening with the woman's tone. And the way she paid virtually no attention to Taylor. Taylor swallowed a retort as the woman left, she wasn't about to start something. She was being good. Besides, the woman wasn't trying too hard. And Marcus was to handsome a man to not at least try for. Then again, it was Taylor's presence being ignored that really irked her. 

"I remember you saying you enjoyed the theater." Taylor was quick to speak, as although Marcus seemed unfazed by the waitress earlier Taylor felt the need to distract. Which she internally chastised herself for. Getting jealous over a guy she had just met...twice....when was the cutoff? When was she allowed to start feeling jealous of other people, like they were exclusive? Taylor was sure it wasn't this early. "See anything good in the last few months?" 

"I haven't seen a production in too long I'm afraid. But, since our last encounter I've taken up reading again." 


"Yes! The castle has an extensive library, I shall show you sometime." Taylor wasn't too eager for that, not until the place was clear. But honestly, she'd wear that bracelet all day for this man. "Recently I've been reading Christina Rossetti's works."

"Familiar... Okay, yeah, I've heard of 'Goblin Market', But haven't looked into her too much." Marcus' eyes shone with the sparkle of passion. Taylor had hit the nail on the head when she said he enjoyed poetry. 

"I've heard of that piece. In fact, I believe that is the next I am to read in the poetry book. The last I read was 'Remember'."

"Yes, yes! I've read that one!" Taylor was ecstatic to relate.

"It was, a bit difficult to read. If I'm honest." And then, all at once, a sadness passed over Marcus. His shoulders slumped. Taylor wasn't sure where he went, but he surely wasn't in that restaurant with her. As if remembering his company, Marcus blinked. And gave a gaze of reassurance as he adjusted his unused silverware in an awkward fashion. It was obvious he had slipped up. Taylor smiled softly.

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