15: Arrival

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They weren't in the valley, not in the market square, not even in Taylor's memories. Taylor wasn't sure they were in Greece anymore. No, she was certain they were not. Beneath her feet was still cobblestone but the air held no smell of the sea. Instead its' fragrance was that of flowers, rich soil, expensive perfume. She was in a garden lavishly decorated with oleander, pink bougainvillea stretched across woven archways, cyclamen dotted blooms within dark patterned leaves, cornflower, bluebells, violets, roses, white lilies, poppies, even unblossoming ferns hung lazily over raised planters of patterned stone which stood at various heights. From just above Taylor's ankles to near her hips for the smaller flowers. It was both messy, unorganized, and the most breathtaking garden Taylor had laid eyes upon. Every flower bloomed regardless of the season. This might've been because of the woman sitting at her ornate bench in front of a circular patch of dirt bordered by stone as the rest of the garden. But at its' center was a twisted olive tree, barely raised above the woman's sitting form. It was young. 

The woman patted the seat next to her and Taylor obliged. 

"It's gorgeous here." Taylor admitted, the woman nodded in agreement.

"Yes, this was my favorite place. Where I spent my time in Italy. I'd always liked plants, my brother was going to build a fountain as well. I had mentioned the flowing water of the stream had calmed me before we had moved. But, I never got to see it." The woman sounded sure, more than sure, she sounded herself. Her voice was deeper than Taylor had imagined, it held a soothing tone within that put her at ease. Though the woman spoke of sad things she could not control the happy undertones her voice produced. It was nectar to a starving bee, a happy relief to hear. But her face had yet to fully form, though it was trying. 

"You remember your brother?"

"I remember I had a brother. I remember we were very close."

"Is that who you're searching for? His grave?" The woman shook her head.

"No, I don't believe so. " Taylor shrugged. They couldn't all be easy. "Could I ask a favor...well...to be honest, it is more of a plea. Maybe a demand. I know I have asked so much of you already..."

"Shoot. I'll hear it out and then decide whether or not to listen." Taylor smirked. "Ya know, since you asked if you could order me around and all." 

"Tomorrow, when you enter that alabaster castle. And while you walk around the city. Really, every time you leave your room. Keep yourself covered." Taylor snorted.

"What is this, a prude thing?" The woman gripped Taylor's shoulders, turning her, drawing full attention to her featureless face. 

"Do not let them touch you. Please." Taylor felt a cold lump in her throat as the woman spoke with such a force that she had not heard before. And then pleaded so desperately at sentences' end. Her hands still held Taylor's shoulders. They felt like nothing, just insistent pressure. "Taylor, I know this does not make sense. I cannot understand fully myself. But I beg you, I do not know why you must be so cautious. You must be here, I know that. But...I am so sorry."

"What? What are you-?"

"I've led you into the viper's nest." The woman hugged Taylor close in a sudden motion. She held her as if to comfort, yet leaned on her in a way which asked for support in return. It took a few minutes for Taylor to comply. She wrapped her arms beneath the woman's and stroked her hair as the woman leaned her head on Taylor's shoulder. She seemed defeated. Slowly she lifted her head, perhaps looking into Taylor's eyes. Taylor could not tell. Her arms fell from the woman's back and instead rested atop the woman's hands on Taylor's thighs. Finally, Taylor lifted her own head and met the empty gaze of the woman who could now remember her voice.

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